semlanik / qtprotobuf

Protobuf generator and bindings for Qt framework
MIT License
167 stars 38 forks source link

Android complie? #211

Open tangyoha opened 3 years ago

tangyoha commented 3 years ago

Question Hi @semlanik ,when I want to cross-compile qtprotobuf, I get the following error:

FAILED: src/wellknowntypes/generated/google/protobuf/struct.qpb.cpp src/wellknowntypes/generated/google/protobuf/struct.qpb.h 
cmd.exe /C "cd /D E:\Cplusplus\build-qtprotobuf-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_13_1_for_Android_ARMv7-Debug\src\wellknowntypes\generated && QT_PROTOBUF_OPTIONS=SIGNLE:QML:FOLDER E:/Cplusplus/build-qtprotobuf-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_13_1_for_Android_ARMv7-Debug/3rdparty/grpc/third_party/protobuf/protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-qtprotobufgen=E:/Cplusplus/build-qtprotobuf-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_13_1_for_Android_ARMv7-Debug/src/generator/qtprotobufgen --qtprotobufgen_out=E:/Cplusplus/build-qtprotobuf-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_13_1_for_Android_ARMv7-Debug/src/wellknowntypes/generated -I"E:/Cplusplus/qtprotobuf/3rdparty/grpc/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf" -I"E:/Cplusplus/qtprotobuf/3rdparty/grpc/third_party/protobuf/src" E:/Cplusplus/qtprotobuf/3rdparty/grpc/third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/struct.proto"
'QT_PROTOBUF_OPTIONS' Not an internal or external command, nor an executable program
Or batch file.

Env: Window10 Cmake 3.20.0 IDE:QtCreator4.10 Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

semlanik commented 3 years ago

Cross-compiling doesn't work yet. At least I can not give you step-by-step instructions for now. This will be done soon. I already planned to spend this weekend to finally build QtProtobuf for ARM.

cagnulein commented 6 months ago

Cross-compiling doesn't work yet. At least I can not give you step-by-step instructions for now. This will be done soon. I already planned to spend this weekend to finally build QtProtobuf for ARM.

@semlanik hi! any news about this?

semlanik commented 6 months ago

Hi, unfortunately this project is in semi-abandoned state. Since I don't really want keep supporting it(I assume it's Qt5 version of QtProtobuf/QtGrpc) but if you ready for Qt6 and still want to use QtProtobuf/QtGrpc, it's part of official Qt delivery and includes Android support:

cagnulein commented 6 months ago

hah ok perfect @semlanik thanks for the fast answer. I guess I will do adhoc implementation for each platform so. Thanks!