semlar / WorldFlightMap

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Nerub-ar Palace has an instance flight map. #16

Open greerga opened 1 week ago

greerga commented 1 week ago

Similar to ~Sanctum of Domination~ Sepulcher of the First Ones, there are flight paths inside the beginning raid that do not currently work properly. This is noticeable in the first LFR wing.

greerga commented 1 week ago

I'm thinking the answer is:

            if IsInInstance() then
                local _, _, _, _, _, _, _, instanceID = GetInstanceInfo()
                -- Not "Sepulcher of the First Ones" (2481) or "Nerub-ar Palace" (2657).
                if instanceID == 2481 or instanceID == 2657 then

Will test next LFR/raid run that I do.

Edit: Yes, that works as expected.