semperai / amica

Amica is an open source interface for interactive communication with 3D characters with voice synthesis and speech recognition.
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VRM selection is imo suboptimal. #35

Closed morphles closed 2 months ago

morphles commented 7 months ago

Admittedly I got somewhat overboard with doenloading vrms, but oh well. Thing is I have no good way to generate previes, and as it's showing it's quite not great. There are couple more issues, one that I'll probably get to sometime maybe, is when new char or anim is loaded char gets "reset", I mean position/orientation/zoom, which I find mildly annoying. But another thing which imo is worse, is that damn menu is covering my view, and also blurring so I can't easily see what I'm selecting/flipping through. So IMO when choosing char, it should not be centered and blurred, to allow to easily cycle and see characters.

kasumi-1 commented 7 months ago

For generating preview, I am not sure what best solution is yet. One option I considered was making a script that used puppeteer to render a vrm and output an image, but maybe there is better way to do it.

For showing the vrms in here, I think we could use something like whats done in the /import page which shows preview using the VrmDemo component.

morphles commented 7 months ago

puppeteer is overkill :), and also added dependency. At least for me model loads fast enough just let me flick through them quickly and it ill be ok (well still have to be able to go to the model I know too).

snowyu commented 7 months ago

Try the node-canvas-webgl to prepare the preivew image.

kasumi-1 commented 6 months ago

The same issue for freezing vrm context referenced in #56 needs to be resolved for a preview image to work here.

Vorlent commented 4 months ago

If this is just about creating a thumbnail, then the simplest solution would be to just load the VRM model (it is already loaded in the Character creator) and then use the screen capture API to create an initial thumbnail. It doesn't have to be good, just recognizable.

slowsynapse commented 2 months ago

This has been solved with vrm load save.