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Fix issue with \textbullet in Lucida #21

Open fintelkai opened 3 years ago

fintelkai commented 3 years ago

In sp.cls, when the Lucida option is chosen, the following replaces the tiny \textbullet:

\DeclareTextCommand{\textbullet}{\encodingdefault}{\UseTextSymbol{OMS}\textbullet} % the default is tiny

This is cribbed from the definition of a now deprecated option "altbullet" for lucidabr.sty ( It works, ish, but what actually happens is that latex first tries to find an OMS-encoding for Lucida, which doesn't exist, and then falls back to Computer Modern.

LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape OMS/hlhj/m/n' undefined(Font) usingOMS/cmsy/m/n' instead(Font) for symbol `textbullet' on input line

So, it would seem we should supply the character directly, without sending the system on a wild goose chase.

Note, though, the following in the documentation for lucimatx.sty:

altbullet: The option is no longer provided. Instead of patching the font definitions, redefine \labelitemi appropriately, if you don’t like the shape of the default item label \textbullet.

So, I guess, Walter Schmidt wants us to redefine \labelitemi.

Of course, if we switch tout court to LucidaOT, this is all moot.