Originally posted by **szilvasyz** October 4, 2023
I am helping in an Arduino project for one of my friends. We use GPS/GNSS modules in this project and I found this amazing software for PC for diagnosing the output of modules.
Some of our cheap chinese GNSS modules seem sending information on BeiDou satellites with BDGSV sentences instead of the common (or standard?) GBGSV sentences. Simply said they use the talker ID "BD" of BeiDou positioning system. The uncommon NMEA sentences even not appear in the console window, they only can be observed using a regular serial port monitor.
Due to the weird messages, there could be appear a very strange state in the number of satellites: more satellites are active than followed. Is there any possibility to make PyGPSClient know that talker ID "BD" is a synonym of "GB" to handle them identically?
Thank you for answering in advance.
Discussed in https://github.com/semuconsulting/pynmeagps/discussions/41