semuxproject / semux-core

Semux Core
MIT License
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devnet not useful for VM development #276

Closed witoldsz closed 4 years ago

witoldsz commented 4 years ago

The semux --network devnet has no forks activated. It's useless for VM development then.

The says nothing about the issue. Is there any way to activate forks?

orogvany commented 4 years ago

Yes. You can activate forks.

The code is there and commented out in iirc

orogvany commented 4 years ago

Looks like someone refsctored it and removed the 'just uncomment and go'

But I think you'll find the manuallyActivatedForks() method useful

witoldsz commented 4 years ago

I did not say it's impossible. It's just not user friendly. Look how many tools for developing Ethereum contacts are there, easy to start writing, deploying, testing, etc...

How can we attract devs to use Semux if first contact requires tinkering with source and recompiling.

Some solution should be discussed.

witoldsz commented 4 years ago

Maybe the title should be renamed to: devnet not useful friendly for VM development

orogvany commented 4 years ago

I guess the 'useless' as you call it devnet is maybe not a good fit for what you are attempting. Is there a reason testnet isn't viable? I don't think devnet was ever intended to be of use to developing on top of the platform, but more for developing and testing things where the network needed to be set in a specific change or where a concensus change wouldn't be usable but rest of network.

If you're going to just develop entirely in a bubble, why use a blockchain at all? ;)

The solution as near as I can tell is to support web3js and the like so devs can more easily work with it, but that's already on roadmap...

May I suggest maybe starting over and stating what it is you are trying to accomplish?