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Migrate from ExtJS to Ext React #672

Open TheCrowd opened 2 years ago

TheCrowd commented 2 years ago


Can anyone tell me if it is possible to migrate from extJS classic to Ext React. If yes, how much effort is requried for the migration?

L3P3 commented 2 years ago

Depends on the version of ExtJs you were using. If it is a fairly recent version, than it should not be too much trouble. A few hours should be enough then I think. However, if you plan to extend your app with React code, you are better off rewriting your base with bare react and maybe migrate some components via extreact.

TheCrowd commented 2 years ago

Hi, Thanks for you reply. The project is on ExtJS 6.6 Classic. How long do you think it would take to migrate ?

L3P3 commented 2 years ago

I cannot tell. From 6.6 Modern it should be doable within a week but it depends a lot on other factors I am not aware of. I recommend stating the motivation you have, WHY you want to migrate to ExtReact?

TheCrowd commented 2 years ago

So I have a legacy system which is developed in Extjs Classic. Now I want to transfer to React as the front end framework. However, I want to know is there any possibility that I do not to rewrite the codebase.

L3P3 commented 2 years ago

React's architecture is totally different for a reason. If you want to use React, you should know why. We had an extjs project that grew for years and rewriting it in react was better and faster. Using an old codebase for inspiration only turned out quite effective. ExtReact is best suited if you want to re-use existing ExtJs-Components in your React application.