senchalabs / AppInspector

Google Chrome™ Dev Tools extension for debugging Sencha™ applications.
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ExtJS 3.4 support #127

Open oori opened 9 years ago

oori commented 9 years ago

Trying your extension on chrome canary with a large (old, yet alive and kickin) 3.4.0 webapp.
It directly throws: isException: true value: TypeError: undefined is not a function

The extension's background page's console gives: Error in event handler for tabs.onUpdated: Error: Attempting to use a disconnected port object at chrome-extension://pbeapidedgdpniokbedbfbaacglkceae/background/background.js:60:30 Which doesn't really help to resolve this, as it's an unrelated.

Any tip on how to trace such issues with your extension? Thanks.

arthurakay commented 9 years ago

Sadly, App Inspector does not support Ext JS 3.x - only 4.x+.

That's a strange error though, as it's talking about AppInspector's internal architecture - do you get the same error running Chrome stable?

oori commented 9 years ago

Tested on chrome 37, it does not throw the above error, but I just get: "No Sencha framework found!", and all the other tabs throw undefined error expectedly. that's due to 3.4.0.

So, 3.4 is out of the question? I know it's already two generations back, but it's still widely used. Is there a specific technical reason why this extension would never support 3.4, or it's just a "support issue"?

I have to say - your extension looks super-useful. cheers!

arthurakay commented 9 years ago

Right now, yes, 3.4 is out of the question. The "specific technical reason" we didn't add support was simply time - we're building this in our spare time, it's not officially sanctioned by Sencha. There are likely some architectural complexities to supporting 3.x as well, but really we just didn't want to tackle it because we didn't have the time.

It sounds like the Canary error could just be due to Canary... I haven't heard anything about future builds of Chrome breaking the way extensions work, so I'll just hope that's the case but keep an eye out.

oori commented 9 years ago

Ok, thanks. I changed the title of this issue, as a placeholder for the future.