senchalabs / jQTouch

Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).
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can't close jqtouch/phonegap android app (only with taskmanager) #200

Closed markievark closed 12 years ago

markievark commented 13 years ago


Did anyone experience this: cannot close app by using the back-button of my device (samsung galaxy). Same in the the avd (emulator). App is working perfect but cannot close it. Did anybody experience this allready?



thomasyip commented 12 years ago

I am not familiar with phonegap enough to judge what is the expected behaviour. Really hard for us to jump on a specific device and other framework.

If you have specific code that can solved the problem, please kindly reopen it and provides a patch. Thanks!

markievark commented 12 years ago


Momenteel ben ik een weekje op vakantie. E-mail wordt gelezen, in voorkomende gevallen zal een van mijn collega's contact opnemen.

Ik ben woensdag 22e weer op mijn werkplek.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Mark van Beek