senchalabs / jQTouch

Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).
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Convert to Coffee Script #500

Closed thomasyip closed 10 years ago

thomasyip commented 10 years ago

@davidkaneda, I pulled from your repo and made some changes.

Let put other work in the sechalabs repo, unless you want me to work on your, then give me permission.

I hit a couple of issues. 1) Coffee script treat "return" statements dramatically differently, without some error handlers would return unexpected value. I got a funny case of $.support. The object got overwrote after jQTouch finish initializing.

The only problem remain is that "jQT.goBack()" doesn't seem to respect the original animation. I am still tracking it down.

thomasyip commented 10 years ago

I confirmed goBack() not animated is an non-bug. I think click back too soon was the issue. I added a bunch of test to ensure it is the case.

@davidkaneda, while I like to add more test over time, but I think I am done with verifying the coffee script conversion.

Do you have anything else?

thomasyip commented 10 years ago

Wait, menusheet and actionsheet is broken. I will fix it before merging into the main line.

thomasyip commented 10 years ago

Test passed locally, but failed on Travis. I will have to take a look, hopefully tomorrow.

tony commented 10 years ago

What was the rationale behind switching to coffeescript?

thomasyip commented 10 years ago

@tony, mostly for cleaner looking code.