senchalabs / jQTouch

Create powerful mobile apps with just HTML, CSS, and Zepto.js (or jQuery).
MIT License
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Basic example in latest version, please #506

Closed Orange06 closed 10 years ago

Orange06 commented 10 years ago

If you know how to use jQt, please, take a second and help me.

I've been surfin' the web & youtube and all I can find is a lot of out of date info, but not much. Most of the provided demos dont work (css became scss and folders are all mixed up and of course demo index's now have bugs due to new folders and file locations. Anyway, all this is unimportant if you know how to use jQtouch. I dont.

Would anyone be so kind, and explain, what am I doing wrong, or paste a link to basic start, how to make pages and show them by clicking on button.

I have basic html structure:

html> head> meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1">

script src="js/jquery.js"> script src="js/jqtouch-jquery2.js"> link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/scss/jqtouch.old.css"> script> var jQT = new $.jQTouch({ // new keyword is now mandatory (was optional before rc6). icon: 'jqtouch.png', statusBar: 'black-translucent', preloadImages: [] });


title>Testing site /head> body> div id="jqt"> div id="home" class="current portrait"> div class="toolbar">

Test headline

  • This is testing button /li>


    div id="test"> div class="toolbar">This is text in toolbar

  • and this is "texting button" info


    /div> /body> /html>"

    Previewing that in FF it gives me TypeError: $.jQTouch is not a constructor. Previewing that on mobile, show everithing ok, but the #test page is also visible. Any help on how to properly implement jQt to website would be pretreated, and I think it would help a lot of us.

    thomasyip commented 10 years ago

    I highly recommend you start with the demo and make change to something that is already working.

    FF is not supported. It only work for Webkit, such as Safari on iOS and Desktop, and Chrome on Desktop and 4.0+ version of Android.

    Orange06 commented 10 years ago

    Im trying to explain that i think that demos are not working

    Am I wrong ?

    thomasyip commented 10 years ago

    Getting Started

    The easiest way to try out jQT is with the demo archive, which can be found in the release tab on Github:

    Please look for the download (green button) with filename prefixed with jqt-demo (ie, jqt-demo-<< version >>.tar.gz.)

    Once unzipped and untar, you can open package/demons/index.html with any WebkitBrowser on a desktop.