sendgrid / ruby-http-client

SendGrid's Ruby HTTP Client for calling APIs
MIT License
23 stars 54 forks source link

Release sometime soon? #109

Closed gareth closed 4 years ago

gareth commented 4 years ago


I enjoy using Sendgrid and I'm keen to hook into it programatically.

However, this gem seems to be a bit stalled. It's been nearly 23 months since the last version bump and in that time 19 pull requests have been successfully merged (including one that I'm particularly interested in because it unblocks a pending issue in your core Ruby gem)

I'm aware that by the magic of Ruby I can fix my immediate issue, but I wondered what the status of this library was, given that it's how you recommend interacting with the API from Ruby

childish-sambino commented 4 years ago

We're now releasing regularly. About every 2 weeks if there are merged PRs.

gareth commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Great news! 🎉