sendgrid / sendgrid-nodejs

The Official Twilio SendGrid Led, Community Driven Node.js API Library
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Issue: Where are TypeScript definitions for webhook events? #1370

Open jameshfisher opened 2 years ago

jameshfisher commented 2 years ago

I see webhook payloads casually described here, but I would really like to see TypeScript definitions for this integrated into @sendgrid/eventwebhook. Do such definitions exist anywhere? Would you accept a pull request that includes them?

jameshfisher commented 2 years ago

Okay, after 2 hours of tedious work, I've converted the vague English docs into some TypeScript typings:

// These typings are derived from
// BEWARE: those docs seem to be incorrect in several places

type SGBaseProps = {
  /** The email address of the recipient */
  email: string;

  /** The UNIX timestamp of when the message was sent */
  timestamp: number;

   * A unique ID to this event that you can use for deduplication purposes.
   * These IDs are up to 100 characters long and are URL safe.
  sg_event_id: string;
  unique_args: Map<string, string>;
  marketing_campaign_id: number;
  marketing_campaign_name: string;

  // You can attach "unique args" (also called "custom args") to SendGrid send() requests.
  // These are then included in webhook events for emails resulting from that request.
  // Due to gross API design, these args are just splurged here together with the "official" properties.
  [uniqueArg: string]: unknown;

type SGPropSmtpId = {
  /** A unique ID attached to the message by the originating system */
  'smtp-id': string;

type SGPropUserAgent = {
   * The user agent responsible for the event.
   * This is usually a web browser.
   * For example, "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.95 Safari/537.36".
  useragent: string;

type SGPropIP = {
  /** The IP address used to send the email.
   * For open and click events, it is the IP address of the recipient who engaged with the email.
  ip: string;

type SGPropMessageId = {
  /** A unique, internal SendGrid ID for the message.
   * The first half of this ID is pulled from the smtp-id.
  sg_message_id: string;

type SGPropReason = {
  /** Any sort of error response returned by the receiving server that describes the reason this event type was triggered. */
  reason: string;

type SGPropTLS = {
  /** Indicates whether TLS encryption was used in sending this message. */
  tls: boolean;

type SGPropCategory = {
   * Categories are custom tags that you set for the purpose of organizing your emails.
   * If you send single categories as an array, they will be returned by the webhook as an array.
   * If you send single categories as a string, they will be returned by the webhook as a string.
  category: string | string[];

type SGPropASMGroupId = {
   * The ID of the unsubscribe group the recipient's email address is included in.
   * ASM IDs correspond to the ID that is returned when you create an unsubscribe group.
  asm_group_id: number;

type SGEventProcessed = {
  event: 'processed';

  /** For emails sent with a specified IP Pool, you can view the IP Pool in the event data for a processed event. */
  pool: {
    name: string;
    id: number;
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropSmtpId &
  SGPropMessageId &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventDropped = {
  event: 'dropped';
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropSmtpId &
  SGPropMessageId &
  SGPropReason &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventDelivered = {
  event: 'delivered';

  /** The full text of the HTTP response error returned from the receiving server. */
  response: string;
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropSmtpId &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropMessageId &
  SGPropTLS &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventDeferred = {
  event: 'deferred';

  /** The number of times SendGrid has attempted to deliver this message. */
  attempt: string;
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropSmtpId &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropMessageId &
  SGPropReason &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventBounce = {
  event: 'bounce';

   * In the event of an asynchronous bounce, the message ID will not be available.
   * An asynchronous bounce occurs when a message is first accepted by the receiving mail server and then bounced at a later time.
   * When this happens, there is less information available about the bounce.
  sg_message_id?: string;

  /** Status code string. Corresponds to HTTP status code - for example, a JSON response of 5.0.0 is the same as a 500 error response. */
  status: string;

  /** indicates whether the bounce event was a hard bounce (type=bounce) or block (type=blocked) */
  type: 'bounce' | 'blocked';

   * Twilio SendGrid conveniently buckets SMTP failure messages into classifications by mapping each unique response to one of seven groups:
   * Invalid Address, Technical, Content, Reputation, Frequency/Volume, Mailbox Unavailable, or Unclassified.
  bounce_classification: string;
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropSmtpId &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropReason &
  SGPropTLS &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventOpen = {
  event: 'open';

   * When this field is set to true, it means that SendGrid has received signals indicating that a recipient with MPP enabled has triggered an open event.
   * When this field is false, it indicates that the event was triggered by a conventional open.
   * This field was added as a response to the anonymization of some open event tracking caused by Apple Mail Privacy Protection.
  sg_machine_open: false;
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropUserAgent &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropMessageId &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventClick = {
  event: 'click';

  /** The URL where the event originates. For click events, this is the URL clicked on by the recipient. */
  url: string;

  /** If there is more than one of the same links in an email, this tells you which of those identical links was clicked. */
  url_offset?: {
    index: number;
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropUserAgent &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropMessageId &
  SGPropCategory &

type SGEventSpamReport = {
  event: 'spamreport';
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropMessageId &

type SGEventUnsubscribe = {
  event: 'unsubscribe';
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropMessageId &

type SGEventGroupUnsubscribe = {
  event: 'group_unsubscribe';
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropUserAgent &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropMessageId &

type SGEventGroupResubscribe = {
  event: 'group_resubscribe';
} & SGBaseProps &
  SGPropUserAgent &
  SGPropIP &
  SGPropMessageId &

type SGEvent =
  | SGEventProcessed
  | SGEventDropped
  | SGEventDelivered
  | SGEventDeferred
  | SGEventBounce
  | SGEventOpen
  | SGEventClick
  | SGEventSpamReport
  | SGEventUnsubscribe
  | SGEventGroupUnsubscribe
  | SGEventGroupResubscribe;

type SGWebhookBody = SGEvent[];

I recommend that these be added to the library so that others can benefit from them.

Alex-Bond commented 1 year ago

@jameshfisher thanks, but you need to add generics for custom args as you miss them ;)