sendgrid / sendgrid-php

The Official Twilio SendGrid PHP API Library
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"$emailAddress" must be a valid email address. Got: #1073

Open unexplainablesolutions opened 2 years ago

unexplainablesolutions commented 2 years ago

Issue Summary

Yii2 Sendgrid implementation. Sending to any user at domain of throws error below. When using local mailer and not sendgrid, email sends just fine and end user gets it. I'm thinking its the form of the 'education' domain. How can I either turn off this 'check', allow the email adddress, etc to get it to work? Reason being I have a loop to send out an email in a list, and once it hits one of these emails it bonks and doesnt send to the rest of the list. I'd obviously prefer for them to get the email, but the immediate bandaid would be just to skip them for now so my app doesnt appear broken. Im thinking it doesnt like the email domain and it thinks its malformed.

I sure would appreciate any and all help and suggestions as this is a live app. I replaced the domain name and the actual email address for security purposes in this below.

Code Snippet

SendGrid\Mail\TypeException: "$emailAddress" must be a valid email address. Got: in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ Stack trace:

0 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ SendGrid\Helper\Assert::email('useremail@rcs....', 'emailAddress')

1 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ SendGrid\Mail\EmailAddress->setEmailAddress('useremail@rcs....')

2 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ SendGrid\Mail\EmailAddress->__construct('useremail@rcs....', NULL, NULL)

3 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ SendGrid\Mail\Mail->addRecipientEmail('To', 'useremail@rcs....', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)

4 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ SendGrid\Mail\Mail->addTo('useremail@rcs....')

5 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ myapp\models\SendEmail::sendLiveEmail('useremail@rcs....', '

test 123

...', false, 'Sunday Adult Bi...')

6 [internal function]: myapp\modules\group\controllers\DefaultController->actionMassnotify()

7 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)

8 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ yii\base\InlineAction->runWithParams(Array)

9 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ yii\base\Controller->runAction('massnotify', Array)

10 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ yii\base\Module->runAction('group/default/m...', Array)

11 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ yii\web\Application->handleRequest(Object(yii\web\Request))

12 /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ yii\base\Application->run()

13 {main}

Copy StacktraceSearch StackoverflowSearch GoogleException SendGrid\Mail\TypeException "$emailAddress" must be a valid email address. Got:

  1. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ line 61 52535455565758596061626364656667686970 $flags = (defined('FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE')) ? FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE : null;

    if (filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, $flags) === false) {
        $message = sprintf(
            $message ?: '"$%s" must be a valid email address. Got: %s',
        throw new TypeException($message);



    • Assert that value is an integer.
    • @param mixed $value
    • @param string $property
    • @param string|null $message
  2. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 69– SendGrid\Helper\Assert::email(' ', 'emailAddress') 63646566676869707172737475 @param string $emailAddress The email address

    • @throws TypeException */ public function setEmailAddress($emailAddress) { Assert::email($emailAddress, 'emailAddress');

      $this->email = $emailAddress; }


    • Retrieve the email address from a EmailAddress object
  3. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 47– SendGrid\Mail\EmailAddress::setEmailAddress(' ') 41424344454647484950515253 $emailAddress = null, $name = null, $substitutions = null, $subject = null ) { if (isset($emailAddress)) { $this->setEmailAddress($emailAddress); } if (isset($name) && $name !== null) { $this->setName($name); } if (isset($substitutions)) { $this->setSubstitutions($substitutions);
  4. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 191– SendGrid\Mail\EmailAddress::__construct(' ', null, null) 185186187188189190191192193194195196197 $personalization = null ) { $personalizationFunctionCall = 'add' . $emailType; $emailTypeClass = '\SendGrid\Mail\' . $emailType; if (!($email instanceof $emailTypeClass)) { $email = new $emailTypeClass( $email, $name, $substitutions ); }

    if ($personalizationIndex === null && $personalization === null
  5. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 389– SendGrid\Mail\Mail::addRecipientEmail('To', ' ', null, null, ...) 383384385386387388389390391392393394395 $this->addRecipientEmail( 'To', $to, $name, $substitutions, $personalizationIndex, $personalization ); }


    • Adds multiple email recipients to a Personalization object
  6. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 46– SendGrid\Mail\Mail::addTo(' ') 40414243444546474849505152 if (Customer::getEmailallowed() =='1') {

        $email = new \SendGrid\Mail\Mail();
        $email->setFrom("", "ChurchHarmony Notification");
        $email->addContent("text/plain", "$body");
            "text/html", "$body"
        $sendgrid = new \SendGrid(Yii::$app->params['SMTP_USERNAME']);
        try {
  7. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 552– myapp\models\SendEmail::sendLiveEmail(' ', '

    test 123

    1. test 1</l...', false, 'Sunday Adult Bible Class Group L...') 546547548549550551552553554555556557558 { foreach (DefaultController::getMultinotifylistemail($id) as $entry) {

                  $ue = $entry['email'];
                  // Send Email to each person in the Group
                  SendEmail::sendLiveEmail($ue,$_REQUEST['notes'], false,$this->getEventname($id).' Group Leader Notification');
    2. myapp\modules\group\controllers\DefaultController::actionMassnotify()
    3. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 57– call_user_func_array([myapp\modules\group\controllers\DefaultController, 'actionMassnotify'], [])
    4. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 181– yii\base\InlineAction::runWithParams(['r' => 'group/default/massnotify', 'id' => '126'])
    5. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 534– yii\base\Controller::runAction('massnotify', ['r' => 'group/default/massnotify', 'id' => '126'])
    6. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 104– yii\base\Module::runAction('group/default/massnotify', ['r' => 'group/default/massnotify', 'id' => '126'])
    7. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 392– yii\web\Application::handleRequest(yii\web\Request)
    8. in /home/uu5d5xjrheya/public_html/ at line 73– yii\base\Application::run() 67686970717273747576 function setSessionParams() { $_SESSION['SHOW_DEBUG_TOOLBAR']=Yii::$app->params['SHOW_DEBUG_TOOLBAR']; }


    ini_set('upload_max_filesize', Yii::$app->params['FILE_SIZE']); ini_set('post_max_size', Yii::$app->params['FILE_SIZE']); $_GET = [ 'r' => 'group/default/massnotify', 'id' => '126', ];

    $_POST = [ '_csrf' => 'Zf85DVjNeU6lLU9R0oMgsEHjEXTY36Lf5nXwLUmeesYNu2w7YP8TKtwVdwKj4WuFNpQgHLyO04eNLbVdDNkMvw==', 'entity_id' => '126', 'add_note_model' => 'true', 'notes' => '

    test 123

    1. test 1
    2. test 2
    3. test 3

    Powered by Froala Editor

    ', 'PublicEmail' => 'Yes', 'PublicTxt' => 'Yes', 'Submit' => 'Save Notes', ];

    $_COOKIE = [ '_fbp' => 'fb.1.1639004629654.538481051', '_ga' => 'GA1.1.1361995484.1639004630', '_fbc' => 'fb.1.1639520920479.IwAR2wlIM3x0-34QHKqrb9wDxoTFjz-vpYbsPGR9LfGKhQQjCxiVE1gorN59M', '_ga_0F94PXX5FZ' => 'GS1.1.1639520861.21.1.1639521098.0', 'PHPSESSID' => '7c3a28124f45ab60fbb96c29280d59dc', '_csrf' => 'd43014f54051665794cbeb5c03fa01886dbf41d0059638601973784198ed7aaaa:2:{i:0;s:5:"_csrf";i:1;s:32:"hDU682jdy88SqbK5ww1hdQqXkXEpEGvy";}', 'inserted_notes126' => '1', '_ga_5194BKNK0Z' => 'GS1.1.1639529185.13.1.1639529329.0', ];

    $_SESSION = [ 'LOCALE' => 'en-US', 'flash' => [], 'SHOW_DEBUG_TOOLBAR' => 'No', 'returnUrl' => '', 'base_url' => '', 'id' => 278, 'authKey' => '', '__expire' => 1639532979, 'username' => 'Brad_Rush_278', 'SessionDetailsId' => '7c3a28124f45ab60fbb96c29280d59dc', 'userID' => 278, 'customerID' => 9, ]; Yii Framework 2021-12-15, 00:49:39


    Yii Framework/2.0.43

childish-sambino commented 2 years ago

This issue has been added to our internal backlog to be prioritized. Pull requests and +1s on the issue summary will help it move up the backlog.