sendgrid / sendgrid-php

The Official Twilio SendGrid PHP API Library
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Error in example: Send Multiple Emails with Personalizations #1112

Open muniodiego opened 1 month ago

muniodiego commented 1 month ago

I have used the following example:

// Uncomment next line if you're not using a dependency loader (such as Composer)
// require_once '<PATH TO>/sendgrid-php.php';

use SendGrid\Mail\From;
use SendGrid\Mail\Mail;
use SendGrid\Mail\Personalization;
use SendGrid\Mail\Subject;
use SendGrid\Mail\To;

$from = new From("", "Twilio Sendgrid");
$to = new To(
    "Example User1",
        '-name-' => 'Example User 1'
    "Example User1 -name-"
$subject = new Subject("Hello from Twilio Sendgrid!");
$plainTextContent = new PlainTextContent(
    "How's it going -name-?"
$htmlContent = new HtmlContent(
    "<strong>How's it going -name-?</strong>"
$email = new Mail($from, $to, $subject, $plainTextContent, $htmlContent);

$personalization0 = new Personalization();
$personalization0->addTo(new To(
        "Example User2",
            '-name-' => 'Example User 2'
        "Example User2 -name-"
$personalization0->addTo(new To(
        "Example User3",
            '-name-' => 'Example User 3'
        "Example User3 -name-"
$personalization0->setSubject(new Subject("Hello from Twilio Sendgrid!"));

$personalization1 = new Personalization();
$personalization1->addTo(new To(
        "Example User4",
            '-name-' => 'Example User 4'
        "Example User4 -name-"
$personalization1->addTo(new To(
        "Example User5",
            '-name-' => 'Example User 5'
        "Example User5 -name-"
$personalization1->addFrom(new From(
    "" => "Twilio"
$personalization1->setSubject(new Subject("Hello from Twilio!"));

$sendgrid = new \SendGrid(getenv('SENDGRID_API_KEY'));
try {
    $response = $sendgrid->send($email);
    print $response->statusCode() . "\n";
    print $response->body() . "\n";
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Caught exception: '.  $e->getMessage(). "\n";

The emails are sent, but for each Personalizations (,, ..., the "-name-" tokens are not replaced neither in the content nor in the subject. The token is replaced correctly for the email to "".

In conclusion, token replacement does not work in Personalizations.