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AUTO-1033 Add automated PR template #patch #31

Closed sgopsbot closed 8 years ago

sgopsbot commented 8 years ago

This PR will add a template to all PRs created in this repo. How it looks is shown below, you should do these steps:

This is a non-functional change, and should have no impact on your apps' functionality. It also probably does not need a version bump / changelog bump, as it does not need to be deployed and can just carry along w/ other changes. (this could technically be merged in on red - but that's up to you and your team)

Note This is for your benefit :). If this is too cumbersome, and not useful - you should change it! This is a suggested starting point for you, based off of things that sound good to people who aren't making pull requests against your repo every day. If you just need one box that says "Yes, this was code reviewed" - Then delete everything from the file, and add that! This is supposed to make things easier, and help you. Not make things harder!

Example of how this would look for every PR


{Include information about what is being done in this merge and why. This should be easy to read.}

PR - Merge Checklist:

{Risks that are associated with this merge. Things that it could possibly take down in production if released.} {NOTE: There is always some sort of Risk, don't leave this section blank!}


{How do you roll this back if it fails?}