sendwyre / yes-compliance-token

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Specification Doc - Hard to read #2

Open MikeD123 opened 5 years ago

MikeD123 commented 5 years ago

If it is helpful, I just took your file and cleaned it up a bit. Added some events in but not sure they're on the right track.

Wasn't certain if it needed to be done, but noticed a bunch of the other submissions followed this similar look + feel.

If it's helpful, lmk. If not, no dramas!




Query api: returns true if the specified address has the given country/yes attestation. this is the primary method partners will use to query the active qualifications of any particular address.

function isYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external view returns(bool) ;


Same as isYes except as an imperative.

function requireYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external view ;


Retrieve all YES marks for an address in a particular country. _validatorEntityId the validator ID to consider. Or, use 0 for any of them.

function getYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode) external view returns(uint8[] /* memory */);

Excluding this? // function getCountries(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address) external view returns(uint16[] /* memory */);


Create new tokens. Fail if _to already belongs to a different entity and caller is not validator.

function mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control) external returns (uint256);

mint (Shortcut)

Shortcut to mint() + setYes() in one call, for a single country.

function mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control, uint16 _countryCode, uint8[] _yes) external returns (uint256);


Destroys a specific token.

function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external;


Destroys the entire entity and all tokens.

function burnEntity(uint256 _entityId) external;


Adds a specific attestations (yes) to an entity. Idempotent: will return normally even if the mark was already set by this validator

function setYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external;

clearYes (Validator-Entity)

Removes a attestation(s) from a specific validator for an entity. Idempotent.

function clearYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external;

clearYes (Country-Entity)

Removes all attestations in a given country for a particular entity.

function clearYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode) external;

clearYes (Entire Entity)

Removes all attestations for a particular entity. Idempotent.

function clearYes(uint256 _entityId) external;


Assigns a lock to an entity, rendering all isYes queries false. idempotent */

function setLocked(uint256 _entityId, bool _lock) external;


Checks whether or not a particular entity is locked.

function isLocked(uint256 _entityId) external view returns(bool);


Returns true if the specified token has been finalized (cannot be moved) */

function isFinalized(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns(bool);


Finalizes a token by ID preventing it from getting moved. idempotent */

function finalize(uint256 _tokenId) external;


The entity ID associated with an address (or fail if there is not one) */

function getEntityId(address _address) external view returns(uint256);



MUST trigger when tokens are minted, including zero value transfers.

A contract which creates new tokens SHOULD trigger a Transfer event with the _from address set to 0x0 when tokens are created.

event Mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control)


MUST trigger when entity or tokens are burned.

An entity which burns tokens SHOULD trigger a Burn event with the _from address set to 0x0 when anything is burned.

event Burn(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _entityId)


MUST trigger when entity is locked.

event SetLocked(uint256 _entityId, bool _lock)


MUST trigger when a Token is finalized.

Tokens SHOULD trigger a Finalize event with the _tokenId being set to 0x0 when tokens are created.

event finalize(uint256 _tokenId) external;

Solidity Interface

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;

contract YesComplianceTokenV1 is ERC721Token /*, ERC165 :should: */ {

    uint256 public constant OWNER_ENTITY_ID = 1;
    uint8 public constant YESMARK_OWNER = 128;
    uint8 public constant YESMARK_VALIDATOR = 129;

    event Mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control)
    event Burn(uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _entityId)
    event SetLocked(uint256 _entityId, bool _lock)
    event finalize(uint256 _tokenId)

function isYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external view returns(bool) ;
function requireYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external view ;
function getYes(uint256 _validatorEntityId, address _address, uint16 _countryCode) external view returns(uint8[] /* memory */);
function setYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external;

function clearYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode, uint8 _yes) external;
function clearYes(uint256 _entityId, uint16 _countryCode) external;
function clearYes(uint256 _entityId) external;

function mint(address _to, uint256 _entityId, bool _control) external returns (uint256);
function burn(uint256 _tokenId) external;
function burnEntity(uint256 _entityId) external;

function setLocked(uint256 _entityId, bool _lock) external;
function isLocked(uint256 _entityId) external view returns(bool);
function isFinalized(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns(bool);
function finalize(uint256 _tokenId) external;


A draft implementation covering the entirety of this spec is located here.