I was trying to run the examples of the different authentications strategies and both the github and the facebook ones gave the following error (I will post the facebook one, the one from the github example is identical but with github as service name):
I was trying to run the examples of the different authentications strategies and both the github and the facebook ones gave the following error (I will post the facebook one, the one from the github example is identical but with github as service name):
Message: seneca: No matching action pattern found for { role: 'auth', cmd: 'register_service', service: 'facebook', plugin: { name: 'facebook', _verify: [Function], _oauth2: { _clientId: '359534030912271', _clientSecret: 'MYCLIENTSECRET', _baseSite: '', _authorizeUrl: 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth', _accessTokenUrl: 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token', _accessTokenName: 'access_token', _authMethod: 'Bearer', _customHeaders: {}, _useAuthorizationHeaderForGET: false }, _callbackURL: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback', _scope: undefined, _scopeSeparator: ',', _state: undefined, _key: 'oauth2:www.facebook.com', _trustProxy: undefined, _passReqToCallback: undefined, _skipUserProfile: false, _clientSecret: 'MYCLIENTSECRET', _enableProof: undefined, _profileURL: 'https://graph.facebook.com/me', _profileFields: null }, conf: { appId: '359534030912271', appSecret: 'MYCLIENTSECRET', urlhost: 'http://localhost:3000' } }, and no default result provided (using a default$ property). Thank you, Agustin.