senekor / buenzlimarks

A simple web app for bookmark management
The Unlicense
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Put the CD in CI/CD #26

Open senekor opened 1 year ago

senekor commented 1 year ago

Compiling for realease takes a long time on the raspberry pi. Doing the build externally will make updating on it more seamless.

other options:

Building on copr is the option that most seamlessly integrated with the system.

(Maybe even consider making buenzlimarks a systemd service. Update process: dnf update & systemctl restart. Nice.)

senekor commented 1 year ago

Consider instead:

senekor commented 1 year ago

Releases are now built and published on GitHub when a tag is pushed. However, more release automation would be beneficial. Tools to use, research:

(cargo-binstall is not relevant, it relies on information from, which we do not publish to.)