A few paragraph blocks. In total longer than the Image height in the right column.
Right column:
Sticky block (wrapping the Gutenslider block)
Image block wrapped within Sticky block
Headings block
Acts as the pushup block
Has ID #media-text-block (via Advanced > HTML Anchor) and class .wp-block-heading in the HTML output
Other blocks follow
Observation (possibly bug)
Sticky block → Pushup element
✅ Setting a CSS ID #media-text-block works
❌ Setting a CSS class .wp-block-heading fails to select the pushup element
This puzzles me a bit, because the hint text of "Pushup element" says e.g. '#footer', '.widget-bottom', etc. which gave me the impression that both IDs and classnames are allowed to select the pushup element.
(via Advanced > HTML Anchor) and class.wp-block-heading
in the HTML outputObservation (possibly bug)
fails to select the pushup elemente.g. '#footer', '.widget-bottom', etc.
which gave me the impression that both IDs and classnames are allowed to select the pushup element.Screen Recording