senguptaumd / Background-Matting

Background Matting: The World is Your Green Screen
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Everyday objects | Looking for suggestions #47

Closed sixftninja closed 4 years ago

sixftninja commented 4 years ago

Following are the images I provided. Image: mug_img Background: mug_back Target Background: target I used Facebook's Detectron2 to get the mask. The mask is clearly not good. mug_masksDL following are the results that I got. Compose: mug_compose Foreground: mug_fg Matte: mug_matte out: mug_out

I'm thinking of retraining the Adobe network on all 450 images instead just the non-transparent ones as mentioned in the paper. I'm also in search of a better segmentation model. One that is trained on everyday objects instead of just humans. Please let me know if you're aware of any.

Do you have any other suggestions that I should look into? Please let me know, thanks!

senguptaumd commented 4 years ago

I think everyday objects need a bit different approach than humans. Here are some of my suggestions.

I hope this helps. Feel free to discuss your progress and I am happy to assist you.

sixftninja commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your suggestions. I'll keep updating the progress here, as and when I get new results. I'm also trying to train on a dataset of everyday objects that I am manually annotating. Once I'm done with that I will share the dataset.