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can not download Train Data #3

Closed KangolHsu closed 5 years ago

KangolHsu commented 5 years ago

For poor network speed。I can not download your 120GB train data。 How did you generate train data by 3dmm,can you give me some advices? I can get random shape by 3dmm,But how to get Albedo and Normal ?

I can not figure it out from your paper: To generate synthetic data we use 3DMM [5] in various viewpoints, reflectance and illumination. We render these models using 27 dimensional spherical harmonics coefficients (9 for each RGB channel), which comes from a distribution estimated by fitting 3DMM over real images from the CelebA dataset using classical methods.


KangolHsu commented 5 years ago


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KangolHsu commented 5 years ago

issure CLOSED