Open KrifaYounes opened 3 years ago
Hello, @KrifaYounes! Right now there is no ability to display notifications on the bottom side. Currently, I'm working on a feature that will help to customize notification Animations, and with that customization, it will be easy to display notifications on the bottom side.
Just thought I'd add to this thread that you can do something like this to animate from the bottom:
const vh = Dimensions.get('screen').height;
Component: ComponentName,
containerStyle: (translateY: Animated.Value) => ({
transform: [
translateY: translateY.interpolate({
inputRange: [-1000, -200, 0],
outputRange: [vh, 0.9 * vh, 0.8 * vh],
This would really be an awesome addition to this library. Waiting for this to be implemented. Currently I am another library along with this.
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