senny / cabbage

get the maximum out of emacs
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list of current bundles #141

Open tonini opened 12 years ago

tonini commented 12 years ago

The list of the currently available emacs bundle in the readme file is a bit brittle. What if we create a file and list all bundles there?

senny commented 12 years ago

I've talked to @jone a bit about the bundle list. It's true, the current solution is not working and we need a better way to document them. We did not reach a conclusion what path to take so suggestions are welcome.

I'm thinking about something like a "" in every bundle folder. We could write up a simple script, which collects these and publishes the information on the website.

@tonini @jone what do you think?

tonini commented 12 years ago

@senny @jone I like the "" file per bundle folder solution. +

jone commented 12 years ago

+1 on readme file per bundle and publishing it. could we also generate binding documentation dynamically, at least for ergonomic? i think this could help new users.. just a thought :)

tonini commented 12 years ago

First step would be to update or add readme files for all bundles. I think the readme file should be separated in different parts like name, author, description, external libraries etc .. If we use markdown for the readme file (as currently) it would be very easy to use jekyll as a static html site generator.

With all these readme files plus informations, I would like to write a generator which creates nice bundle presentation pages, so ppl haven't to read the source to get an idea what's all possible with cabbage and the internal bundles.

@jones idea about a generated binding documentation is really good. +1 for it!

tonini commented 10 years ago

@senny The binding documentation is already available through the generated cheat-sheet. But in case of the bundle list and the "" file per bundle I would like to build it.

Add a "" per bundle

Online bundle documentation

/cc @jone

senny commented 10 years ago

@tonini go for it :+1: I think we can use the GitHub page to incorporate the online documentation. If we are going down this path, there should be scripts to automatically update the GitHub page form the files within the bundles.

Regarding the structure I'm not sure yet. Let's just get started and see where it'll take us. Suggestions welcome :smile_cat:

tonini commented 10 years ago

@senny Great! I get back to you when I have something to show.