senny / emacs-eclim

This project brings some of the great eclipse features to emacs developers. It is based on the eclim project, which provides eclipse features for vim.
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Add possibility to pass vm args and program args when debugging #218

Closed kleewho closed 9 years ago

kleewho commented 9 years ago

Currently all debugging is done with no vm args passed by user. Many applications requires vm args to properly run. User should be able to provide those arguments when starting debug session.

To ease the process of calling debug multiple times with the same params we can create something like run configuration saved somewhere in root of the project. Example content of the file .eclim

[((name . "Debug tests")
  (debug . t)
  (debug-port . 5005)
  (vm-args . "-Dsomething")
  (program-args . "something something-else"))

  ((name . "Another run config))]