senny / sablon

Ruby Document Template Processor based on docx templates and Mail Merge fields.
MIT License
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Make it possible for an if statement to include method parameters #135

Closed ulrik closed 5 years ago

ulrik commented 5 years ago

I need to be able to make the if statement compare the given value with a string.

I would therefore purpose a syntax like this

«smoking:if(== "Often")»

I guess the line in lib/sablon/operations.rb value = value.public_send(predicate) if predicate could be generalized to let public_send take more arguments, but I can't see how it could be done...

stadelmanma commented 5 years ago

This has been proposed before but we want to avoid making the actual word document templates more complex, see #73.

This can be done via a custom field handler, and I actually have it implemented as a test case here

Let me know if you have any other questions!