senocular / TransformTool

Free Transform Tool (AS, JS) for manipulating objects in 2D space.
MIT License
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Select and transform multimple elements #9

Open istoan opened 2 weeks ago

istoan commented 2 weeks ago

Not really an issue, it's actually a question: Is it possible to modify the code and allow for some kind of grouping or something that will allow a user to select multiple objects/elements and transform all of them at the same time?

senocular commented 2 weeks ago

Hi istoan,

No, unfortunately this tool does not support grouping or multiple objects.

If you could independently group outside of the use of the tool, then apply the tool to the newly created group as a single object, it should work then. But it does not, itself, handle any kind of grouping.

istoan commented 2 weeks ago

I've been thinking of how to solve this for a while. I've been trying to select multiple objects and then pot them into a container and then allow the user to transform that container and if that is deselcted, basically ungrpup or remove the container and apply those changes to the elements inside. I've never been able to actually make that code to work :)

Anyway, thank you for the fast response and thank you for the very useful transform tool you created and shared with the world!

senocular commented 2 weeks ago

This was originally just a fun ActionScript side project I did over a decade ago (and then ported to JavaScript). I didn't think people would find it very useful ;) But you're welcome nevertheless!

istoan commented 2 weeks ago

The good old Flash days. That's when I first found your transfrom tool. After people started moving to HTML5 and JavaScript, I noticed that you created the JavaScript version of this tool and then I started to migrate some of my ActionScript projects to HTML and JavaScript.

Again, thank you and keep up the good work!