senpaiski / TopAnimeStream

Watch anime stream on Windows, Mac or Linux
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Design opinion #19

Open pepijn809 opened 9 years ago

pepijn809 commented 9 years ago


Hi, there

I think the design of the TopAnimeStream app is great! I mean really, but i still want to point out just tiny things that could be changed. I don't know how others feel about it, and that is why i post it. This is my opinion.

Edit: After a day, most of my points imo are still valid. Yet it starts to grow on me. I really like the concept :)

Overall feeling icons For me personally the app when not in (sort off) full screen mode looks weird. It has as you can see below, a lot more space available than's client. Even though doesn't have such an efficient use of all it's space, their client to me, does feel like a much more solid UI.

I do think that it looks decent in full screen, however with windows 8.1, full screen becomes weird, so you have to scale it yourself. Because of the somewhat wider resolution of the program, i don't like to run it smaller, which is different with PT. However this interface does offer much more functionality.

I do honestly feel like the client is very intuitive and offers lots of functionality, even in 1.0.0. I think there is some improvement here and there, but overall it's a very good start. I will now put a few things under my own microscope, and try to explain why i feel something lacks something, or why it is good enough.

The Cover Art idk I really don't know why that space is left their, perhaps by design? I just want to point out that it makes the design look a lot less solid and interesting. I know i am probably picky, and there are enough people that don't care about it or won't understand. However i feel very much like it should be more solid feeling. netflix popcorntime

Comparing with Netflix and PopcornTime's designs, it needs some tickering in my opinion. The Cover art to me is just a little to small. I feel like they could be a little bigger and better alligned, because that would create a much better overall interface.

To me, a user interface really needs to feel like something solid. Otherwise i get a little bit annoyed everytime i use it. I think this design for the most part is quite good and it is just 1.0.0 I do not want to say, copy these designs because that will make it great. No, the concept that you have build is really well done, the things that i point out however, are the things i notice right away. I really wanna see if people have suggestions, or different opinions on this.

Detail page details details2 The Concept of the detail pages is actually quite good imo. Still i find the background picture for each show very hard to notice, something maybe because of the blue theme concept from the website. I see beauty off it, though i really enjoyed seeing that in PopcornTime, and (for me) it makes the content browsing feel much richer. This however is one of my preferences, there is nothing wrong with keeping the background the way it is.

I feel like the details are displayed allright. Everything that i would want to know about an anime is there, so there is no lack of functionality there, imo. I do feel like there should perhaps be more space between the "Go back" header and the information, it just all seems a bit cluttered. The Same (for me) goes for the episode selection, it's beautifully done, however not as aesthetically pleasing. I feel like the way PopcornTime has done it, is far more useful. It takes a lot less time to find what you need. I am not suggesting to copy it, just giving my opinion on the fact that i feel that it's a loss of UI space.

Edit on second thought: I still feel the same about the Episodes. I think it needs tinkering. But the overall look is probably better this way. Even though it could placed a little further from the bar, overall it is very unique. I just got that by taking a look at it again.

For the rest i think it's quite intuitive. Meaning, for the most part it seems to speak for itself.

Animations I think the animations should be improved, much more fluid. But it's not a priority at the moment. It does take away from the experience. If the interface is working very smoothly, the experience will be much better. But i'm just one of those people who notices it.

I'm running on a i5 with 6gb of ram, so i guess it isn't a computer render related issue ;) it is just optimisation. But as i said, not really a priority.

Search search I am not sure about what i think about the search. I do think it is very useful. So, honestly i am not gonna express an opinion, when i'm not sure of my own standpoint on this. I need more time to get a feel for it.

List list I know this is probably gonna change a lot, due to the amazing abilities and customisation the website already offers. The main thing that i would love to see in a future list would be the option to see more artwork, perhaps even cache a library of watched content of your own, or an export option to text. So that, in case somehting ever happens people do not lose what they have watched. I do not know if there are any good API options with MyAnimeList and such sites, but perhaps some kind of integration can come at one point, like PT is doing with

ps, i still have to update my list ;)

Home home I get why there is a bar with a latest stream of new episodes. I do see use for it, especially if i'm waiting for the newest episode of Punchline to drop. However, i do feel it is a waste of space, i don't know how it could be displayed differently, perhaps with a menu button for it's own page (need more time and opinions on this).

However, i think that the home page should be a place where you can easily see:

News & Updates This is done in a decent way, and i would say it's very usefull.

Banner A Banner that stretches out over the entire application, well in the wide not entirely. To make it look more clear perhaps. I will try to make a small concept for people to understand what i think it should look like. (A Concept, so not perfect at all, im no designer :P)

Continue Watching A Section where you can quickly see what you watched the last time you watched on any of your clients (web, pc and perhaps mobile apps?). This syncs with the idea of syncing the times of episodes, so you can start where you left off. This is also done by netflix, and quite awesome.

A Grid of some kind I think a grind of episodes to explore, perhaps filterable by theme and genre could be a great way to show of new shows, popular shows etc. This would take the place of the "latest anime" section now, but that could be solved by putting that with a new page and the lastest episodes bar. But it's just an idea.

Reviews,recommendations etc Perhaps in a later stage, we could add a section which shows popular,latest or highvoted reviews and recommendations. To make explorations even easier for users.

Let me try to build an interface now haha xD concept This is just a concept. I think there is much more possible with it, some flaws i've already spotted. As it does not include many of my own ideas. But i just didn't feel like i could put it in myself and make it look decent. Anyway, i would leave this to an actual designer anyway haha.

So this is my opinion on the client. Feel free to share your opinion.

senpaiski commented 9 years ago

Thanks Pepijn for this design review. I will try to consider every ideas of yours as much as possible.

The gap The gap on the right side is by design XD because it's easier to use css rather than javascript and calculate the width of the screen and display the list accordingly. I will keep it like that, but I could use something like Isotope to facilitate my life.

Extract your list

The main thing that i would love to see in a future list would be the option to see more artwork, perhaps even cache a library of watched content of your own, or an export option to text. So that, in case something ever happens people do not lose what they have watched.

I do not know if there are any good API options with MyAnimeList and such sites, but perhaps some kind of integration can come at one point, like PT is doing with

YES! Indeed this is planned! I don't when I'm going to implement it but I will do for sure.

Continue Watching on the home This is a good idea. Users won't need to click 'my list' before continue watching anime when logging in the application.

Your home page prototype This is funny because the first home page I did looked like the one you made when I started working on the new version. I changed my mind because it felt weird when using full-screen mode. I'll try to adjust things on the home page and more useful information.

Question Did you liked the video player? Maybe, you can give me feedback on this.

pepijn809 commented 9 years ago

conceptv2 Thanks for your feedback. I shall read it shortly. Anyway, this is my more updated concept on what i thought of the design and what could perhaps become a home area concept. It's just my idea, but i would love to hear your opinion on it.

It did take a few hours, i was to lazy to install Photoshop and i used Oldschool Microsoft Paint to do the job :D

pepijn809 commented 9 years ago

First of all, let me thank you for taking the time to reply to my feedback. That is very nice. I like to debate and look at things criticly, i believe it's the best way forward.

The gap

It already crossed my mind more than once that it was probably there by design. Honestly, i do not think a thing like that would go unnoticed by you. Anyway, i do understand your point on it, and i agree completely with letting it stay that way. It is not a deal breaker.

Extract your list

"YES! Indeed this is planned! I don't when I'm going to implement it but I will do for sure."

That is great news! I hoped for some sort of implementation of that kind. Well, i'm glad to hear it's on the agenda on some day ;)

Continue Watching on the home

"This is a good idea. Users won't need to click 'my list' before continue watching anime when logging in the application."

Yes, well i use it all the time with Netflix, and it is really handy. I put it in my new concept design, maybe a pointer as to how it could look? ;)

Your home page prototype

"This is funny because the first home page I did looked like the one you made when I started working on the new version. I changed my mind because it felt weird when using full-screen mode. I'll try to adjust things on the home page and more useful information."

Yeah, my first prototype was not quite good. I don't know if the second is any more use, and i agree here aswel. Usefulness should be in front of UI beauty. I don't know if there is any use of my other concept, but i think something in that way could look great (parts of it) however it would require that it's able to be done on technical aspect. And of course the fact that full screen could look weird again.

Could you do anything to the Windows 8.1 Full Screen mode? I really dislike that maximazing the windows, maximises the entire app, even above the navigation bar. Perhaps it's something i can change in Windows, but it's just weird. It isn't something you put in yourself, just a weird windows thingy.


"Did you liked the video player? Maybe, you can give me feedback on this."

Actually i did, so much that i even left it out of the feedback. I should have put it in, but i'm actually suprised by how well it looks.

I think the player is stable so far, clear in how to use it. The only gripes i have are things that could probably be done in the future and have no real priority. One of them is the translation of the app/website into more languages, including the player. As for the icons, they are good enough for now, but (and this could be because of my pc, but i doubt it) the icons seem a little unsharp. Which takes away from the "solid" experience i'm frequently xD pointing at. It's nitpicking honestly, i think the player works very good, stable, clean and well it fits in with the rest of the application.

For the rest i can honestly only say, i am truly looking forward to the launch of the new website! Talk Soon.

senpaiski commented 9 years ago

This is what the 'My List' page looks like when you have data in Continue Watching. capture

pepijn809 commented 9 years ago

I did notice that yesterday, weirdly enough i could not change the "Watching" things. But it looks good ;)

senpaiski commented 9 years ago

It's not finished yet :S That's why

pepijn809 commented 9 years ago

I figured that ;)