Hi sensebox/blockly team,
as a arduino newbie I really appreaciated the possibility to use the blockly version to work with the sensebox. However I encountered a bug that took me some time to find and solve.
that was 84 characters long. However, the variable lengthMultiplikator is fixed to 77.
I solved the problem by calculating the lengthMultiplikator in the submitValues function.
Here is the code (be aware that I am not used to writing c code):
Hi sensebox/blockly team, as a arduino newbie I really appreaciated the possibility to use the blockly version to work with the sensebox. However I encountered a bug that took me some time to find and solve.
I was trying to reproduce the project for the mobile sensebox shown here: https://sensebox.de/projects/de/2020-03-09-mobilemessstation#schritt-3-%C3%BCbertragen-der-messwerte-an-die-opensensemap
My setup submitted this string
that was 84 characters long. However, the variable
is fixed to 77.I solved the problem by calculating the
in thesubmitValues
function. Here is the code (be aware that I am not used to writing c code):