sensebox / opensensmapR

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upcoming sf breaks opensensemapR #31

Open edzer opened 11 months ago

edzer commented 11 months ago

an improvement to sf revealed a coding error in opensensmapR, and breaks the vignette building. If you run osem-intro.Rmd up to line 147, and then do

> st_as_sf(pm25) |> names()
# [1] NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    NA    "NA."

you see that the column names vanished. This now breaks because the geometry column name is set to geometry and passed on to sf_sf() where it needs to be found (but isn't). The error comes from where mostattributes<- fails to set names when columns are deselected:

pm25[-c(3,4)] |> head()
edzer commented 11 months ago

Let me know if you need help fixing this one.