sensepost / gowitness

🔍 gowitness - a golang, web screenshot utility using Chrome Headless
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Database merging is broken after version 2.4.2 - error unsupported database URI provided #208

Open 0xtavian opened 7 months ago

0xtavian commented 7 months ago

Describe the bug

Merging databases is broken in version 2.5.0 and version 2.5.1. The last working version was 2.4.2.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

# make dirs for dbs
omnom01:~:% mkdir dbs; cd dbs  

# create first input file
omnom01:dbs:% cat ../input

# create second input file
omnom01:dbs:% cat ../input2

# Download gowitness version 2.5.1
omnom01:dbs:% wget -q -O ~/go/bin/gowitness ; chmod +x ~/go/bin/gowitness ; gowitness version    
gowitness: 2.5.1

git hash: fa0246e
go version: go1.21.3_linux/amd64

# Create first db
omnom01:dbs:% gowitness file --file ../input --db-location sqlite://db1.sqlite3                                                                                                       
01 Dec 2023 23:23:34 INF preflight result statuscode=200 title=Google url=
01 Dec 2023 23:23:43 ERR preflight request failed error="Get \"\": context deadline exceeded"
01 Dec 2023 23:23:43 ERR preflight request failed error="Get \"\": context deadline exceeded"
01 Dec 2023 23:23:43 ERR failed to witness url error="Get \"\": context deadline exceeded" url=
01 Dec 2023 23:23:43 ERR failed to witness url error="Get \"\": context deadline exceeded" url=
01 Dec 2023 23:23:43 INF processing complete

# Create second db
omnom01:dbs:% gowitness file --file ../input2 --db-location sqlite://db2.sqlite3                                                                                                      
01 Dec 2023 23:23:56 INF preflight result statuscode=200 title="Verizon: Wireless, Internet, TV and Phone Services | Official Site" url=
01 Dec 2023 23:23:57 INF preflight result statuscode=200 title="Digital Wallets, Money Management, and More | PayPal US" url=
01 Dec 2023 23:24:00 INF preflight result statuscode=200 title="News, Politics, Sports, Mail & Latest Headlines -" url=
01 Dec 2023 23:24:09 INF processing complete

# list files
omnom01:dbs:% ls                                                                                                                                                                      
db1.sqlite3  db2.sqlite3  screenshots

# attempt to merge dbs and fail
omnom01:dbs:% gowitness merge --input-path .     
01 Dec 2023 23:24:53 INF number of dbs to process database-count=2
01 Dec 2023 23:24:53 FTL could not open destination db error="unsupported database URI provided" destination=gowitness-merged.sqlite3

# revert to gowitness  2.4.2
omnom01:dbs:% wget -q -O ~/go/bin/gowitness; chmod +x ~/go/bin/gowitness ; gowitness version
gowitness: 2.4.2

git hash: c9c6b17
go version: go1.19_linux/amd64

# merge is successful with version 2.4.2
omnom01:dbs:% gowitness merge --input-path .                                                                                                                                           
01 Dec 2023 23:25:26 INF number of dbs to process database-count=2
01 Dec 2023 23:25:26 INF writing results to a new database db-path=gowitness-merged.sqlite3
01 Dec 2023 23:25:26 INF processing source database file=db1.sqlite3
01 Dec 2023 23:25:26 INF done processing db processed-rows=1 source-db=db1.sqlite3
01 Dec 2023 23:25:26 INF processing source database file=db2.sqlite3
01 Dec 2023 23:25:26 INF done processing db processed-rows=3 source-db=db2.sqlite3

I also tried with version 2.5.0 with the same result

Expected behavior Merging should work with versions higher than 2.4.2


Screenshot 2023-12-01 at 5 32 40 PM

Version Information:

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

PR3R00T commented 1 month ago

@0xtavian Hey, I think I found a workaround: Taking the error I found it was at: (, Working backwards while learning Go programming I recompiled with some more debugging commands and found that from line 68 calling the parseDBLocation function was the issue, ( checking what the dbLocation and the location.Scheme parameters show the issue quite well, the dblocation parameter will parse in the filename of the db, the if statement of "sqlite" if obtained from the go URL module and its Parse function,

func parseDBLocation(dbLocation string) (*url.URL, string, error) {
    // Parse the DB URI.
    location, err := url.Parse(dbLocation)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, "", err

    // Ensure the sqlite DB file path is correctly parsed via url.Parse
    if location.Scheme == "sqlite" {
        switch {
        case location.Host == "" && location.Path != "":
            return location, location.Path, nil
        case location.Host != "" && location.Path == "":
            return location, location.Host, nil
        case location.Host == "" && location.Path == "":
            return location, "gowitness.sqlite3", nil
            return location, strings.TrimPrefix(dbLocation, "sqlite://"), nil
    return location, dbLocation, nil

adding in a filename such as blah.sqlite3 the URL module does not give me a scheme back

./gowitness-2.5.1-linux-amd64 merge -i 01.sqlite3 -i 02.sqlite3 -o temp.sqlite3
26 May 2024 11:10:25 INF number of dbs to process database-count=2
DBLocation: temp.sqlite3
26 May 2024 11:10:25 FTL could not open destination db error="unsupported database URI provided" destination=temp.sqlite3

however if you change the filenames to be sqlite///blah.sqlite3 , the scheme is extracted from url.parse to "sqlite" which satisfies the if statement then then the trim (strings.TrimPrefix(dbLocation, "sqlite://")) command kicks in and removes the prefix.

So really your commands should be

./gowitness-2.5.1-linux-amd64 merge -i sqlite:///path/01.sqlite3 -i sqlite:///path/02.sqlite3 -o sqlite:///path/temp.sqlite3
26 May 2024 11:13:42 INF number of dbs to process database-count=2
DBLocation: sqlite://temp.sqlite3
Scheme: sqlite
Host: temp.sqlite3
26 May 2024 11:13:42 INF writing results to a new database db-path=sqlite://temp.sqlite3
26 May 2024 11:13:42 INF processing source database file=sqlite:///path/01.sqlite3
DBLocation: sqlite:///path/01.sqlite3
Scheme: sqlite
26 May 2024 11:13:43 INF done processing db processed-rows=46 source-db=sqlite:///path/01.sqlite3
26 May 2024 11:13:43 INF processing source database file=sqlite:///path/02.sqlite3
DBLocation: sqlite:///path/02.sqlite3
Scheme: sqlite
26 May 2024 11:13:43 INF done processing db processed-rows=37 source-db=sqlite:///path/02.sqlite3

My guess is that a better logic of file identification is required and url.parse isn't fit for dealing with sqlite file checking