So I decided to get an apks using LuckyPatcher backup, then using AntiSplit merge it (.apks->.apk)
Then patch the apk:
roey@HP-Spectre-x360-13:~/ApkProjects$ objection patchapk --source ynet_v6.79-b162.apk
No architecture specified. Determining it using `adb`...
Detected target device architecture as: arm64-v8a
Using latest Github gadget version: 14.0.8
Patcher will be using Gadget version: 14.0.8
Detected apktool version as: 2.4.1
Running apktool empty-framework-dir...
I: Removing 1.apk framework file...
Unpacking ynet_v6.79-b162.apk
App already has android.permission.INTERNET
Setting extractNativeLibs to true...
Target class not specified, searching for launchable activity instead...
Reading smali from: /tmp/tmpoexmxfqf.apktemp/smali/com/goldtouch/ynet/ui/activities/SplashActivity.smali
Injecting loadLibrary call at line: 47
Attempting to fix the constructors .locals count
Current locals value is 0, updating to 1:
Writing patched smali back to: /tmp/tmpoexmxfqf.apktemp/smali/com/goldtouch/ynet/ui/activities/SplashActivity.smali
Copying Frida gadget to libs path...
Rebuilding the APK with the frida-gadget loaded...
Built new APK with injected loadLibrary and frida-gadget
Signing new APK.
Signed the new APK
Performing zipalign
Zipalign completed
Copying final apk from /tmp/tmpoexmxfqf.apktemp.aligned.objection.apk to ynet_v6.79-b162.objection.apk in current directory...
Cleaning up temp files...
Moved it to the my rooted android device -> installed the apk -> run hangs (Tried cleaning DATA)
When I opened playstore I noticed that he wants to upgrade the app
Expected behavior
The patched app should be running in my android device
Environment (please complete the following information):
Describe the bug Following this tutorial, I got a split apk
So I decided to get an apks using LuckyPatcher backup, then using AntiSplit merge it (.apks->.apk) Then patch the apk:
Moved it to the my rooted android device -> installed the apk -> run hangs (Tried cleaning DATA) When I opened playstore I noticed that he wants to upgrade the app
Expected behavior The patched app should be running in my android device
Environment (please complete the following information):
Application Ynet Newspaper