sensepost / snoopy-ng

Snoopy v2.0 - modular digital terrestrial tracking framework
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Mon0 problem with rogueAP and MITMPROXY on kali 2.0 #64

Open sudofsys opened 8 years ago

sudofsys commented 8 years ago

Hi !

My snoopy work very fine in basic mode on my kali linux 2.0 but when I want to start a rogueAP, the plug in search for the 'mon0' interface and kali only give me 'wlan0mon' when i turn my wan in monitor mode...

Someone now how to change interface names ? Or change the snoopy code ?

Thank you very much !


ProGamerGov commented 8 years ago

Did you ever find a fix for this issue?

NoobieDog commented 8 years ago


Unfortunately with Kali v2.0 and newer, Snoopy is having some serious issues.

As it currently stands, RogueAP and MITM plugins are not working.
