sensepost / snoopy-ng

Snoopy v2.0 - modular digital terrestrial tracking framework
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Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds. Snoopy no snooping. :( #67

Open ashtheman opened 8 years ago

ashtheman commented 8 years ago

Hi, I ran the following code to store locally however there seems to be some issue with scapy. root@kali:~# snoopy -v -m wifi:iface=wlan3mon mon=false -m sysinfo -m heartbeat -d myDrone -l London.

after going through forums i tried couple of solution but it hasn't worked for me please let me know if there are few steps or commands i need to run to fix this issue.

[+] Starting Snoopy with plugins: wifi, sysinfo, heartbeat [+] Capturing local only. Saving to 'sqlite:///snoopy.db' [+] Waiting for plugin 'wifi' to indicate it's ready [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [+] Plugin 'wifi' has indicated it's ready. [+] Waiting for plugin 'sysinfo' to indicate it's ready [+] Plugin sysinfo will check device status every 1800 seconds. [+] Plugin 'sysinfo' has indicated it's ready. [+] Waiting for plugin 'heartbeat' to indicate it's ready [+] Plugin 'heartbeat' has indicated it's ready. [+] Done loading plugins, running... [+] Plugin sysinfo generated new data. [+] Plugin heartbeat had a beat ❤ [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts [+] Starting sniffing on interface 'wlan3mon' [!!] Scapy exception whilst sniffing. Will back off for 5 seconds, and try restart 'plugins.wifi' plugin [!!] init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'stopperTimeout' [!!] Restarting module '/root/snoopy-ng/plugins/wifi.pyc' after 5 failed attempts ^CCaught Ctrl+C! Saving data and shutting down...