sensepost / snoopy-ng

Snoopy v2.0 - modular digital terrestrial tracking framework
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Fetch Drones Fail #8

Closed aiddenkeli closed 9 years ago

aiddenkeli commented 9 years ago

Could be me but when I follow the instructions on github. After starting snoopy on Kali 1.0.8 clean install, maltego cant fetch any drones.

Drone is Kali 1.0.8 VM in virtualbox with connected wifi via usb. running "python -d test -v -m wifi -l test" According to the output when ran "-m wifi" will just cause snoopy to use all interfaces.

I open maltego on the same kali VM in another desktop view. I import 'snoopy_entities.mtz' from the Transforms folder. I drag the 'Base of Operations' entity on to the graph. Right click the 'Base of Operations' entity and select fetchDrones. The Transform output on maltego says it returns: "Transform fetchdone returned with 0 entities"

The guide says to select the transform "Get Drones" but that doesn't exist. I just assume you meant fetchDrones.

Is there something I am doing wrong here or is there some other config issue that needs addressed? Thanks.

maximcherny commented 9 years ago

Check out issue #5 - perhaps it is related if you are using a custom data store. By the looks of things, it does not appear that you do...

aiddenkeli commented 9 years ago

No I'm not using a custom data store. Thats why I wonder if I am missing some simple yet crucial step.

maximcherny commented 9 years ago

You could manually inspect the sqllite database to see whether any data actually exists. Based on your command, it does not seem that you are triggering the monitor mode:

Usage info:

snoopy -i -m wifi

To trigger monitor mode:

python -d test -v -m wifi:mon=True -l test
glennzw commented 9 years ago

Agreed with maxim. If your device hasn't actually detected any data it won't list any drone in Maltego. Also, try running with the -vv flag - if you don't see data being populated, it won't turn up in Maltego:

snoopy -vv -m wifi -d test -l test

Make sure you have a wireless device in monitor mode, too.

th36r1m commented 9 years ago

Make sure that you set the date and time in the properties view for the Base of Operations entity in Maltego. If you forget to do this, you will not pull any data from your database. Also, remember that the time was set to UTM, so make sure to adjust accordingly. I usually just do the day before and the day after for my tests.