sensepost / snoopy-ng

Snoopy v2.0 - modular digital terrestrial tracking framework
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Please fix this so it installs properly #93

Closed BustedSec closed 7 years ago

BustedSec commented 7 years ago

This project has had install issues for a while. Editing libmproxy to mitmproxy and such made it sometimes install. Sensepost, you guys make great POC tools but don't seem to maintain them very well. Please fix the installer for this - I got a bunch of pi 0 w's and want to set up a distributed sensor network. I had heard you were working on a commercial version a few years ago but never heard if you ever released it. What happened with that?

NoobieDog commented 7 years ago


Please be advised, this project is NO LONGER SUPPORTED OR MAINTAINED by SensePost.

We have been working on other tools such as @sensepost/peanuts that is a replacement for @sensepost/snoopy-ng, that I'm trying to get Anti-Mac address filtering in place. Remote or distributed sensors are currently not supported as the main feature will be integration with Maltego and a UI that allows real time mapping options for teams.

Please also note, the current O/S's Such as IOS, Android and Windows all support MAC address randomization and this is slowly killing projects like @sensepost/snoopy-ng and @sensepost/peanuts until workarounds are implemented.

Please see line 176, and for reference of such techniques.

There has been some great research from @mathyvanhoef on this subject.

p.s. PiZeroW is now supported by NEXMON:

Stu @ SensePost

BustedSec commented 7 years ago

Hey Stu, thanks for the reply. I appreciate all the information and really love the work you guys do. I'll check out peanuts, looks really cool. Thanks for the info on getting the pi0 into monitor mode.