sensics / OSVR-RenderManager

Apache License 2.0
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VRPN submodule fails to initialize for non-nda repo #346

Closed gigaj0ule closed 6 years ago

gigaj0ule commented 6 years ago

I can't seem to initialize the VRPN submodule as instructed for non-NDA users. Is there something that has changed since the docs were last updated?

godbyk commented 6 years ago

You wrote git submodule init before writing git submodule init vendor/vrpn, so git initialized all the submodules (including the NDA submodules) instead of just the VRPN submodule.

Try the following:

git submodule deinit --all
git submodule init vendor/vrpn
git submodule update

(I've never used git submodule deinit. If it doesn't work, then I'd probably just wipe out the OSVR-RenderManager directory and reclone the repository.)

russell-taylor commented 6 years ago

Updated the instructions to clarify and simplify and added a pull request.

gigaj0ule commented 6 years ago

It seems you have to specify vendor/vrpn explicitly as to not throw an error. As well, when you clone the repo, all NDA submodules are enabled and must be explicitly disabled.

git submodule deinit --all git submodule init vendor/vrpn git submodule update vendor/vrpn

Now step two: move onto building it :-).

russell-taylor commented 6 years ago

Excellent. Be sure to have build OSVR-Core and its dependencies first. You'll need to specify the locations of several libraries on Windows to get it to find all of the packages RenderManager needs to build. On Linux, apt install will work.