sensics / OSVR-RenderManager

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Why have the OpenGL rendering examples stopped working? #371

Closed russell-taylor closed 5 years ago

russell-taylor commented 5 years ago

In nondirect window mode the Direct3D demos show correctly but the OpenGL ones show black in both eyes. Windows 10 current updated. nVidia GeForce 1070 with driver version 398.36 on a dual-GPU laptop that has a built-in Intel graphics card. Displaying the window on the main laptop display.

russell-taylor commented 5 years ago

They are calling swapbuffers, at 60fps if vertical sync is on and at thousands of fps if not. This is calling SDL_GL_SwapWindow().

russell-taylor commented 5 years ago

Setting glClearColor to non-black did not change the color of the window.

russell-taylor commented 5 years ago

Setting the fragment color explicitly rather than from a texture lookup in the distortion fragment shader does show blue. Looks like we're having issues with the distortion texture mapping. And setting the color to the warped texture coordinates for R,G,B shows smooth ramps in the expected directions so it isn't a texture coordinate issue.

russell-taylor commented 5 years ago

Switching to the fix-framebuffer-bug branch (for which there is a pull request) fixes this. Hopefully, that can be merged soon!