sensiolabs / GotenbergBundle

A Symfony Bundle for interacting with Gotenberg. Integrates natively with twig, router, PHPStorm and more !
MIT License
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[UPDATE] Update and modify some builder tests #54

Closed Neirda24 closed 3 months ago

Neirda24 commented 3 months ago
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html ./coverage-html --testdox
PHPUnit 10.5.20 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 8.3.7 with PCOV 1.0.11
Configuration: /Users/neirda/Projects/Sensiolabs/OpenSource/Gotenberg/GotenbergBundle/phpunit.xml

...............................................................  63 / 173 ( 36%)
............................................................... 126 / 173 ( 72%)
...............................................                 173 / 173 (100%)

Time: 00:00.165, Memory: 28.00 MB

Abstract Chromium Pdf Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Pdf\AbstractChromiumPdfBuilder)
 ✔ Configuration "single_page" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "pdf_format - A-1b" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "pdf_universal_access" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "paper_width" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "paper_height" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "margin_top" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "margin_bottom" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "margin_left" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "margin_right" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "prefer_css_page_size" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "print_background" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "omit_background" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "landscape" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "scale" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "native_page_ranges" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "wait_delay" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "wait_for_expression" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "emulated_media_type" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "cookies" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "extra_http_headers" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "fail_on_http_status_codes" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "fail_on_console_exceptions" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "skip_network_idle_event" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "metadata" is correctly set
 ✔ Paper size applies width and height
 ✔ Paper standard size applies correctly
 ✔ Margins applies correctly
 ✔ Pdf format can be reset
 ✔ Twig header is correctly rendered
 ✔ Twig footer is correctly rendered
 ✔ Plain file header is correctly rendered
 ✔ Plain file footer is correctly rendered
 ✔ Assets can be added using php
 ✔ Assets can be added using twig
 ✔ Can add cookies
 ✔ Can add extra http headers
 ✔ Can add metadata
 ✔ Throw if twig not available
 ✔ Throw if twig template is invalid

Abstract Chromium Screenshot Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Screenshot\AbstractChromiumScreenshotBuilder)
 ✔ Configuration "width" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "height" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "clip" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "format" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "quality" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "omit_background" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "optimize_for_speed" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "wait_delay" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "wait_for_expression" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "emulated_media_type" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "cookies" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "extra_http_headers" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "fail_on_http_status_codes" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "fail_on_console_exceptions" is correctly set
 ✔ Configuration "skip_network_idle_event" is correctly set

Abstract Pdf Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Pdf\AbstractPdfBuilder)
 ✔ Filename is correctly set on response
 ✔ Form field "extraHttpHeaders" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "assets" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "header.html" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "index.html" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "footer.html" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "failOnHttpStatusCodes" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "cookies" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "metadata" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "boolean (true)" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "boolean (false)" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "int" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "float (.0)" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "float (.5)" is correctly normalized

Abstract Screenshot Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Screenshot\AbstractScreenshotBuilder)
 ✔ Filename is correctly set on response
 ✔ Form field "extraHttpHeaders" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "assets" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "header.html" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "index.html" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "footer.html" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "failOnHttpStatusCodes" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Form field "cookies" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "boolean (true)" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "boolean (false)" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "int" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "float (.0)" is correctly normalized
 ✔ Native "float (.5)" is correctly normalized

Asset Base Dir Formatter (Formatter\AssetBaseDirFormatter)
 ✔ Resolve path when "absolute path and absolute base dir"
 ✔ Resolve path when "absolute path and relative base dir"
 ✔ Resolve path when "relative path and relative base dir"
 ✔ Resolve path when "relative path and relative base dir with end slash"
 ✔ Resolve path when "relative path and absolute base dir"

Configuration (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\DependencyInjection\Configuration)
 ✔ Default config
 ✔ Invalid range with data set "as string"
 ✔ Invalid range with data set "as integer"
 ✔ Invalid range with data set "as boolean"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "paper size config"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "styles config"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "different scale"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "range a page to generate"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "delay to wait before generate"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "emulated media type"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "exception render"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "pdf format configuration"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "pdf universal configuration"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "both pdf configuration"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "Update accepted status codes from the main page"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "waits for the network idle"
 ✔ Valid pdf html configuration with data set "add cookies to store"
 ✔ With extra headers configuration
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "screenshot size config"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "clip config"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "screenshot format"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "quality"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "omit background"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "optimize for speed"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "delay to wait before generate"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "emulated media type"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "add cookies to store"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "Update accepted status codes from the main page"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "exception render"
 ✔ Valid screenshot html configuration with data set "performance mode"

Gotenberg Client (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Client\GotenbergClient)
 ✔ Pdf call
 ✔ Screenshot call

Gotenberg Pdf (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\GotenbergPdf)
 ✔ Url builder factory
 ✔ Html builder factory
 ✔ Markdown builder factory
 ✔ Office builder factory

Gotenberg Screenshot (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\GotenbergScreenshot)
 ✔ Url builder factory
 ✔ Html builder factory
 ✔ Markdown builder factory

Html Pdf Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Pdf\HtmlPdfBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ With plain content file with data set "with twig"
 ✔ With plain content file with data set "without twig"
 ✔ With twig content file
 ✔ Required form data

Html Screenshot Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Screenshot\HtmlScreenshotBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ With plain content file with data set "with twig"
 ✔ With plain content file with data set "without twig"
 ✔ With twig content file
 ✔ Required form data

Libre Office Pdf Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Pdf\LibreOfficePdfBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ Configuration is correctly set with data set "pdf_format"
 ✔ Configuration is correctly set with data set "pdf_universal_access"
 ✔ Configuration is correctly set with data set "landscape"
 ✔ Configuration is correctly set with data set "native_page_ranges"
 ✔ Configuration is correctly set with data set "merge"
 ✔ Configuration is correctly set with data set "metadata"
 ✔ Office files with data set "odt"
 ✔ Office files with data set "docx"
 ✔ Office files with data set "html"
 ✔ Office files with data set "xslx"
 ✔ Office files with data set "pptx"
 ✔ Required form data

Markdown Pdf Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Pdf\MarkdownPdfBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ Required wrapper template
 ✔ Required markdown file

Markdown Screenshot Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Screenshot\MarkdownScreenshotBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ Markdown file
 ✔ Required wrapper template
 ✔ Required markdown file

Paper Size (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Enum\PaperSize)
 ✔ Unit is always inches
 ✔ Width
 ✔ Height

Sensiolabs Gotenberg Extension (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\DependencyInjection\SensiolabsGotenbergExtension)
 ✔ Gotenberg configured with valid config
 ✔ Gotenberg client configured with default config
 ✔ Gotenberg client configured with valid config

Unit (Enum\Unit)
 ✔ It can be parsed correctly with data set "(int) 12"
 ✔ It can be parsed correctly with data set "(string) 12"
 ✔ It can be parsed correctly with data set "12.0"
 ✔ It can be parsed correctly with data set "12.1"
 ✔ It can be parsed correctly with data set "12.1in"
 ✔ It can be parsed correctly with data set "12.1pc"

Url Pdf Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Pdf\UrlPdfBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ Url
 ✔ Required form data

Url Screenshot Builder (Sensiolabs\GotenbergBundle\Tests\Builder\Screenshot\UrlScreenshotBuilder)
 ✔ Endpoint is correct
 ✔ Url
 ✔ Required form data

OK (173 tests, 370 assertions)

Generating code coverage report in HTML format ... done [00:00.097]
Capture d’écran 2024-05-31 à 16 23 46