sensorflo / adoc-mode

A major-mode for editing AsciiDoc files in Emacs
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How do I configure font sizes of markups? #11

Closed pismute closed 9 years ago

pismute commented 9 years ago

Hi. adoc-mode is amazing.

How do I configure font sizes of markups? I am new for asciidoc so that I want to see markups like ===, [].

Thank you.

sensorflo commented 9 years ago

You can do that in the customization group markup-faces:

Just in case you don't know Emacs' customization:

Just to make sure -- you do see markup like ===, [] etc., don't you? They are faint but not invisible by using a smaller font size and gray color.


pismute commented 9 years ago

Thank you a lot.

sensorflo commented 9 years ago

I also pushed a new commit. The doc comment of the adoc customization group now describes more clearly that most faces used belong to the markup-faces customization group and have to be customized there.