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Transfer sensu-metrics-relay/WizardVan into sensu-extensions organisation? #73

Open Evesy opened 6 years ago

Evesy commented 6 years ago

If possible I think it'd be good idea to transfer the sensu-metrics-relay/WizardVan extension into the sensu-plugins organisation; this'd provide:

It's currently floating about in a couple of places:

mbbroberg commented 6 years ago

Really glad you brought this up @Evesy. Greg (@grepory) and I are catching up tomorrow and I'll ask about what's best for him. That should cover the wizardvan front. Seems @majormoses is the only committer on the OpinionLab side. Ben, is that something you want to keep around as well?

Playing out one scenario, say we migrate grepory/wizardvan to Sensu Extensions, would we then deprecate opinionlab/sensu-metrics-relay? Or would you prefer to do the other way of migrating the relay and deprecating wizardvan?

cc'ing @luisdavim as the lead on Extensions as an FYI!

majormoses commented 6 years ago

So I actually had a discussion with greg about this a while back in slack:

Thursday, September 14th 

majormoses [10:43] 
actually been meaning to ask you if at some point you wanted to transfer that over to plugins so it has a perm home

since even sensu-inc does not really control the sensu-plugins project

even with acquisition it would live on (until someone stopped paying the bill)

not that I think now is the time...just bring it up to discuss at some point

grepory [10:45 AM] 
happy to transfer it

majormoses [10:47 AM] 
biggest concern I have doing that is how many people it will break, maybe we transfer and then fork it so that at least it will be there for people to pull

grepory [10:53 AM] 

i think we can also do something to have github redirect?

i can’t remember how it works

that might only be repo renamse

majormoses [10:54 AM] 
I think it works for the ui but not http based stuff from what I remember

to be clear I mean it should work for http based requests but I don't think the git protocol will support the redirect

looks like it's possible with extra git config...but that does not really help us...

since its pretty unlikely anyone has it set

One thing we could do is to transfer it and fork it to still enable folks to have it cloned to keep working and then update the repo to point to the new home.

mbbroberg commented 6 years ago

Bumping this one. I like @majormoses's idea of:

Question that still stands: which repo is the right one to move?

wdyt @Evesy?

Evesy commented 6 years ago

Sounds good to me!

I suppose is the original... or original copy after opower got taken over at least

majormoses commented 6 years ago

So looking through my emails and doing a bit of sleuthing this is what I came up with as far as timeline:

The original was, I think at some point it was transferred to (might have still been called wizardvan) or was at least renamed and updated the history. On 3/14 someone deleted the repo so I ended up copying the content (no history) from one of my sensu servers to a repo on and served that up to unblock my immediate needs. I then reached out to Greg via email and we re-created the history on 3/20 from someones fork and restored it to after that I deleted my repo to avoid confusion but it looks like is likely a fork of my repo on CloudCruiser org (which no longer exists) as it only has a single commit from me.

majormoses commented 6 years ago

One thing I would like to propose is that after we break the fork we rename the repo to match sensu-metrics-relay as while it does have a cool name I bet more people would find it if it had a more easily understood name. Feel free to make the argument that having a repo named wizardvan piques interest. The other question is where should it be forked to? I vote sensu-extensions as that is what it is. While sensu and sensu-plugins do have maturity they do not seem like the correct home.