sensu / sensu-admin

An admin webui for Sensu
MIT License
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extreme slowness with large number of events #112

Open afrozl opened 10 years ago

afrozl commented 10 years ago

We consistently process several thousand events (~10,000/day) every day and at any point in time there might be a thousand active events in the console. Sensu-admin seems to render these events individualy and it can take up to 2 minutes to render the events page:

  Rendered events/_output.html.haml (0.5ms)
  Rendered events/_actions.html.haml (3.5ms)
  Rendered events/_issued.html.haml (0.8ms)
  Rendered events/_status.html.haml (0.3ms)
  Rendered events/_output.html.haml (0.5ms)
  Rendered events/_actions.html.haml (3.0ms)
  Rendered events/_issued.html.haml (0.9ms)
Completed 200 OK in 61683ms (Views: 868.0ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms)

Any suggestions on changes we can make to speed this up somewhat?


afrozl commented 10 years ago

the api call for events takes about half a second for ~1000 events. However, running the api service in debug shows that sensu-admin is making about 2000 api calls for info and stashes. That seems to be what slows everyting down. Where could these be coming from?

afrozl commented 10 years ago

Problem is semi-resolved by making the following change to events_controller.rb


    events_datatable = []
    @events.each_with_index do |event, i|
      client_silenced = event.client_silenced
      check_silenced = event.check_silenced


    events_datatable = []
    stashes = Stash.stashes
    @events.each_with_index do |event, i|
      client_silenced =  stashes.detect {|stash| stash['path'] == "silence/#{event.client}"}
      check_silenced =  stashes.detect {|stash| stash['path'] == "silence/#{event.check}"}

This lets us call the api once to check the stashes.