sensu / sensu-go-chef

Chef Library Cookbook for Sensu Go
MIT License
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sensu_ctl resource is always skipped #63

Closed scalp42 closed 3 years ago

scalp42 commented 4 years ago

Hi folks,

Using 0.1.0, I noticed that the sensu_ctl resource only runs once:

sensu_ctl 'sensu' do
  action %i[install configure]
* sensu_ctl[sensu] action configure[2019-09-28T00:20:52+00:00] INFO: Processing sensu_ctl[sensu] action configure (wo-sensu::default line 22)
(up to date)

I see the sensuctl user list there but I don't think .error? is working:

root@default-ubuntu-1804:~# sensuctl user list
Error: No API URL is defined. You can configure an API URL by running "sensuctl configure"
root@default-ubuntu-1804:~# echo $?

Any ideas?


UPDATE: I noticed that that sensuctl config files don't actually get created either.

I just did it by hand 6 mins later (see time from Chef run):

root@default-ubuntu-1804:~# sensuctl configure
? Sensu Backend URL:
? Username: admin
? Password: *********
? Namespace: kitchen
? Preferred output format: tabular
root@default-ubuntu-1804:~# ll .config/sensu/sensuctl/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Sep 28 00:26 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 28 00:26 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  764 Sep 28 00:26 cluster
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   51 Sep 28 00:26 profile

EDIT: @majormoses updated linked code to use a permalink since the code referenced line number did not match what was on master.

majormoses commented 4 years ago

Hmm I am able to reproduce this from a quick test from master:

```shell # cleanup $ bundle exec kitchen destroy default-ubuntu-1804 -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2) -----> Destroying ... Deleting kitchen sandbox at /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Deleting verifier sandbox at /home/babrams/.dokken/verifier_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Finished destroying (0m10.74s). -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m11.85s) # converge $ bundle exec kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1804 -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2) -----> Creating ... Creating kitchen sandbox at /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Creating verifier sandbox at /home/babrams/.dokken/verifier_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Building work image.. Creating container c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Finished creating (0m2.07s). -----> Converging ... Creating kitchen sandbox in /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Preparing dna.json Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 7.0.4... Removing non-cookbook files before transfer Preparing data_bags Preparing validation.pem Preparing client.rb Starting Chef Client, version 14.5.0 Creating a new client identity for default-ubuntu-1804 using the validator key. resolving cookbooks for run list: ["sensu_test::default"] Synchronizing Cookbooks: - sensu_test (0.0.1) - sensu-go (0.1.0) - packagecloud (1.0.0) - seven_zip (3.1.2) - windows (6.0.1) Installing Cookbook Gems: Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 21 resources Recipe: sensu_test::default * sensu_backend[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create - create new file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list - update content in file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list from none to 0c5ca9 --- /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list 2019-10-26 02:03:15.136696162 +0000 +++ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.chef-sensu_stable20191026-62-1inwhgu.list 2019-10-26 02:03:15.136696162 +0000 @@ -1 +1,3 @@ +deb bionic main +deb-src bionic main - change mode from '' to '0644' * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action run - execute wget --auth-no-challenge -qO - | apt-key add - * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action run - execute apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0" * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * apt_package[sensu-go-backend] action upgrade - upgrade package sensu-go-backend from uninstalled to 5.14.1-6721 * file[/etc/sensu/backend.yml] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/backend.yml - update content in file /etc/sensu/backend.yml from none to 65e23e --- /etc/sensu/backend.yml 2019-10-26 02:03:20.679027352 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/.chef-backend20191026-62-qyu8px.yml 2019-10-26 02:03:20.679027352 +0000 @@ -1 +1,3 @@ +--- +state-dir: "/var/lib/sensu/sensu-backend" * service[sensu-backend] action enable - enable service service[sensu-backend] * service[sensu-backend] action start - start service service[sensu-backend] * sensu_agent[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-agent] action upgrade - upgrade package sensu-go-agent from uninstalled to 5.14.1-6721 * file[/etc/sensu/agent.yml] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/agent.yml - update content in file /etc/sensu/agent.yml from none to 1aa655 --- /etc/sensu/agent.yml 2019-10-26 02:03:26.717712274 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/.chef-agent20191026-62-egnslp.yml 2019-10-26 02:03:26.717712274 +0000 @@ -1 +1,6 @@ +--- +name: dokken +namespace: default +backend-url: +- ws:// * service[sensu-agent] action enable - enable service service[sensu-agent] * service[sensu-agent] action start - start service service[sensu-agent] * sensu_ctl[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-cli] action install - install version 5.14.1-6721 of package sensu-go-cli * sensu_ctl[default] action configure - Reconfiguring sensuctl * execute[configure sensuctl] action run - execute ["/usr/bin/sensuctl", "configure", "--non-interactive", "--username", "admin", "--password", "P@ssw0rd!", "--url", ""] * sensu_namespace[test-org] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/namespaces] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/namespaces * file[/etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json from none to 70ab98 --- /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.648773059 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/namespaces/.chef-test-org20191026-62-1kmwgi1.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.648773059 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"namespace","spec":{"name":"test-org"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json * sensu_check[cron] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/checks] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/checks * file[/etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json from none to 3271c6 --- /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.676769229 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/checks/.chef-cron20191026-62-wjmod8.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.676769229 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"check","spec":{"command":"/bin/true","cron":"@hourly","metadata":{"name":"cron","namespace":"default","labels":{"environment":"production","region":"us-west-2"},"annotations":{"runbook":""}},"handlers":["pagerduty","email"],"high_flap_threshold":60,"low_flap_threshold":20,"stdin":false,"subdue":{"days":{"all":[{"begin":"12:00 AM","end":"11:59 PM"},{"begin":"11:00 PM","end":"1:00 AM"}]}},"subscriptions":["dad_jokes","production"],"ttl":100}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-http] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/assets * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json from none to 869540 --- /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.700765947 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/assets/.chef-sensu-plugins-http20191026-62-dog0gy.json2019-10-26 02:03:32.700765947 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"asset","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"sensu-plugins-http","namespace":"default"},"sha512":"b57cacd2b479f41b5d002c037ac3005e7a655d1dfae93c457f0c19dde21fc992771b5d290a2cce9255578d9bd2fc88075646e3e0e02e3c01d8e1e274ae0b7376","url":""}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-docker] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json from none to 8da084 --- /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.728762117 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/assets/.chef-sensu-plugins-docker20191026-62-1hl2s9o.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.728762117 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"asset","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"sensu-plugins-docker","namespace":"default"},"sha512":"96f71be5824ae50db8992ffdd1a94076170457cd9ca4f8563d739ffb07d65aca06c1d2ff5590b10f73089b300a74a3c5c255dcd9a4649487aa81a29e4f81c85c","url":""}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-postgres] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json from none to 65f3eb --- /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.760757740 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/assets/.chef-sensu-plugins-postgres20191026-62-1cm08hm.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.760757740 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"asset","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"sensu-plugins-postgres","namespace":"default"},"sha512":"b4369e69f3e3247b6f48596733da2f1a3c66fceebb60e6b00c70f404324876696fc8d2381206c47bd9d09227b2d6d3802f359e2ae349d71930bd0d45c0b3d554","url":""}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json * sensu_asset[sensu-slack-handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json from none to 3fb8f1 --- /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.788753910 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/assets/.chef-sensu-slack-handler20191026-62-19o0ldi.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.788753910 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"asset","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"sensu-slack-handler","namespace":"default"},"sha512":"68720865127fbc7c2fe16ca4d7bbf2a187a2df703f4b4acae1c93e8a66556e9079e1270521999b5871473e6c851f51b34097c54fdb8d18eedb7064df9019adc8","url":""}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json * sensu_handler[slack] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/handlers * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json from none to dc3dab --- /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.824748985 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/handlers/.chef-slack20191026-62-4rvkb3.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.824748985 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"handler","spec":{"command":"sensu-slack-handler --channel monitoring","env_vars":["SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL="],"metadata":{"name":"slack","namespace":"default"},"runtime_assets":["sensu-slack-handler"],"type":"pipe"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json * sensu_handler[tcp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json from none to f25cfd --- /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.864743514 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/handlers/.chef-tcp_handler20191026-62-b2u65y.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.864743514 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"handler","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"tcp_handler","namespace":"default"},"socket":{"host":"","port":4444},"timeout":30,"type":"tcp"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json * sensu_handler[udp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json from none to 0f2da0 --- /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.892739684 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/handlers/.chef-udp_handler20191026-62-1lj5ysy.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.892739684 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"handler","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"udp_handler","namespace":"default"},"socket":{"host":"","port":4444},"timeout":30,"type":"udp"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json * sensu_handler[notify_the_world] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json from none to 350bba --- /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.924735307 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/handlers/.chef-notify_the_world20191026-62-1wo7px1.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.924735307 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"handler","spec":{"metadata":{"name":"notify_the_world","namespace":"default"},"handlers":["slack","tcp_handler","udp_handler"],"type":"set"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json * sensu_filter[production_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/filters * file[/etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json from none to 91009b --- /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.952731477 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/filters/.chef-production_filter20191026-62-8bqlhu.json2019-10-26 02:03:32.952731477 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"event_filter","spec":{"action":"allow","metadata":{"name":"production_filter","namespace":"default"},"expressions":["event.Entity.Environment == 'production'"]}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json * sensu_filter[development_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json from none to ff4313 --- /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.988726553 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/filters/.chef-development_filter20191026-62-40uo2d.json 2019-10-26 02:03:32.988726553 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"event_filter","spec":{"action":"deny","metadata":{"name":"development_filter","namespace":"default"},"expressions":["event.Entity.Environment == 'production'"]}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json * sensu_filter[state_change_only] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json from none to 6491ff --- /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.016722840 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/filters/.chef-state_change_only20191026-62-13bj8rb.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.016722840 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"event_filter","spec":{"action":"allow","metadata":{"name":"state_change_only","namespace":"default"},"expressions":["event.Check.Occurrences == 1"]}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json * sensu_filter[filter_interval_60_hourly] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json from none to a4680c --- /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.044719190 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/filters/.chef-filter_interval_60_hourly20191026-62-mk2zr2.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.044719190 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"event_filter","spec":{"action":"allow","metadata":{"name":"filter_interval_60_hourly","namespace":"default"},"expressions":["event.Check.Interval == 60","event.Check.Occurrences == 1 || event.Check.Occurrences % 60 == 0"]}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json * sensu_filter[nine_to_fiver] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json from none to 8d9fed --- /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.076715018 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/filters/.chef-nine_to_fiver20191026-62-13ndgih.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.076715018 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"event_filter","spec":{"action":"allow","metadata":{"name":"nine_to_fiver","namespace":"default"},"expressions":["weekday(event.Timestamp) >= 1 && weekday(event.Timestamp) <= 5","hour(event.Timestamp) >= 9 && hour(event.Timestamp) <= 17"]}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json * sensu_mutator[example-mutator] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/mutators] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/mutators * file[/etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json from none to 83fdf6 --- /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.104711367 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/mutators/.chef-example-mutator20191026-62-fpodlw.json2019-10-26 02:03:33.104711367 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"mutator","spec":{"command":"example_mutator.rb","metadata":{"name":"example-mutator","namespace":"default"},"timeout":60}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json * sensu_entity[example-entity] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/entitys] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/entitys * file[/etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json from none to 17e203 --- /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.140706673 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/entitys/.chef-example-entity20191026-62-1ps3eaw.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.140706673 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"entity","spec":{"subscriptions":["example-entity"],"metadata":{"name":"example-entity","namespace":"default","labels":{"environment":"production","region":"us-west-2"},"annotations":{"runbook":""}},"entity_class":"proxy"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json * sensu_hook[restart_cron_service] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/hooks] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/hooks * file[/etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json from none to 07baaf --- /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.172702501 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/hooks/.chef-restart_cron_service20191026-62-fux513.json 2019-10-26 02:03:33.172702501 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"hook","spec":{"command":"sudo service cron restart","timeout":60,"metadata":{"name":"restart_cron_service","namespace":"default"}}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action run - execute sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json Running handlers: Running handlers complete Chef Client finished, 80/130 resources updated in 22 seconds Finished converging (0m25.02s). -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m28.23s) # login and verify where config is: $ bundle exec kitchen login default-ubuntu-1804 root@dokken:/# sensuctl config view === Active Configuration API URL: Namespace: default Format: tabular Username: admin root@dokken:/# ls -l /root/.config/sensu/sensuctl total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 764 Oct 26 02:03 cluster -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 51 Oct 26 02:03 profile root@dokken:/# cat /root/.config/sensu/sensuctl/* { "api-url": "", "trusted-ca-file": "", "insecure-skip-tls-verify": false, "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NzIwNTYzMTIsImp0aSI6ImRlNTcxMDNlOTE5MTMyNzgxN2I0OWU4YzE1ZWQwNzMwIiwic3ViIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJncm91cHMiOlsiY2x1c3Rlci1hZG1pbnMiLCJzeXN0ZW06dXNlcnMiXSwicHJvdmlkZXIiOnsicHJvdmlkZXJfaWQiOiJiYXNpYyIsInByb3ZpZGVyX3R5cGUiOiIiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiYWRtaW4ifX0.g2M3TpCcLL7oMIBCoil1pt-IR5nv5CRA0F8pXuRBgYg", "expires_at": 1572056312, "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJkMjlkNjQ3ZTdkMWE4MDA0ZTQyZWU1ODNiYmZkNzMzMCIsInN1YiI6ImFkbWluIiwiZ3JvdXBzIjpudWxsLCJwcm92aWRlciI6eyJwcm92aWRlcl9pZCI6IiIsInByb3ZpZGVyX3R5cGUiOiIiLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiIn19.owhMr4g04MrYFFptDEh6393yK5x9ToQXpMjegglwrvA" }{ "format": "tabular", "namespace": "default" } # manually create a new user to connect as root@dokken:/# sensuctl user create admin2 --password='password' --groups=cluster-admins Created root@dokken:/# sensuctl user list --format yaml type: User api_version: core/v2 metadata: name: admin spec: disabled: false groups: - cluster-admins username: admin --- type: User api_version: core/v2 metadata: name: admin2 spec: disabled: false groups: - cluster-admins username: admin2 --- type: User api_version: core/v2 metadata: name: agent spec: disabled: false groups: - system:agents username: agent # showing the modified files that we will use to connect as a second pass $ git diff diff --git a/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb b/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb index d62c012..3b18bc0 100644 --- a/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb +++ b/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ sensu_agent 'default' sensu_ctl 'default' do action [:install, :configure] debug true + username 'admin2' + password 'password' end sensu_namespace 'test-org' do # re-running $ bundle exec kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1804 -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2) -----> Converging ... Creating kitchen sandbox in /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Preparing dna.json Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 7.0.4... Removing non-cookbook files before transfer Preparing data_bags Preparing validation.pem Preparing client.rb Starting Chef Client, version 14.5.0 Creating a new client identity for default-ubuntu-1804 using the validator key. resolving cookbooks for run list: ["sensu_test::default"] Synchronizing Cookbooks: - sensu-go (0.1.0) - packagecloud (1.0.0) - sensu_test (0.0.1) - seven_zip (3.1.2) - windows (6.0.1) Installing Cookbook Gems: Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 21 resources Recipe: sensu_test::default * sensu_backend[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-backend] action upgrade (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/backend.yml] action create (up to date) * service[sensu-backend] action enable (up to date) * service[sensu-backend] action start (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_agent[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-agent] action upgrade (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/agent.yml] action create (up to date) * service[sensu-agent] action enable (up to date) * service[sensu-agent] action start (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_ctl[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-cli] action install (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_ctl[default] action configure (up to date) * sensu_namespace[test-org] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/namespaces] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_check[cron] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/checks] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-http] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-docker] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-postgres] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-slack-handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[slack] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[tcp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[udp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[notify_the_world] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[production_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[development_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[state_change_only] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[filter_interval_60_hourly] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[nine_to_fiver] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_mutator[example-mutator] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/mutators] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_entity[example-entity] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/entitys] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_hook[restart_cron_service] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/hooks] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) Running handlers: Running handlers complete Chef Client finished, 0/109 resources updated in 10 seconds Finished converging (0m11.55s). -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m12.73s) # we see no resources were changed but for shiggles lets verify root@dokken:/# sensuctl config view === Active Configuration API URL: Namespace: default Format: tabular Username: admin # attempt to manually configure root@dokken:/# sensuctl config view === Active Configuration API URL: Namespace: default Format: tabular Username: admin root@dokken:/# sensuctl configure ? Sensu Backend URL: ? Username: admin2 ? Password: ******** ? Namespace: default ? Preferred output format: tabular # verify manually it works root@dokken:/# sensuctl config view === Active Configuration API URL: Namespace: default Format: tabular Username: admin2 # it still does not pick up the changes $ bundle exec kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1804 -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2) -----> Converging ... Creating kitchen sandbox in /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Preparing dna.json Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 7.0.4... Removing non-cookbook files before transfer Preparing data_bags Preparing validation.pem Preparing client.rb Starting Chef Client, version 14.5.0 Creating a new client identity for default-ubuntu-1804 using the validator key. resolving cookbooks for run list: ["sensu_test::default"] Synchronizing Cookbooks: - sensu_test (0.0.1) - sensu-go (0.1.0) - packagecloud (1.0.0) - seven_zip (3.1.2) - windows (6.0.1) Installing Cookbook Gems: Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 21 resources Recipe: sensu_test::default * sensu_backend[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-backend] action upgrade (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/backend.yml] action create (up to date) * service[sensu-backend] action enable (up to date) * service[sensu-backend] action start (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_agent[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-agent] action upgrade (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/agent.yml] action create (up to date) * service[sensu-agent] action enable (up to date) * service[sensu-agent] action start (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_ctl[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-cli] action install (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_ctl[default] action configure (up to date) * sensu_namespace[test-org] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/namespaces] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_check[cron] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/checks] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-http] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-docker] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-postgres] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-slack-handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[slack] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[tcp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[udp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[notify_the_world] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[production_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[development_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[state_change_only] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[filter_interval_60_hourly] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[nine_to_fiver] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_mutator[example-mutator] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/mutators] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_entity[example-entity] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/entitys] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_hook[restart_cron_service] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/hooks] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) Running handlers: Running handlers complete Chef Client finished, 0/109 resources updated in 10 seconds Finished converging (0m11.71s). -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m12.89s) ```

I will likely need to spend some more time putting debug statements in to figure out whats happening.

majormoses commented 4 years ago

@scalp42 I suspect your right about if shell_out('sensuctl user list').error? I can't say I recall why we did that my guess was that this was something that was done to detect if it was not configured at all. When I changed it to if !shell_out('sensuctl user list').error? it did what I expected. @webframp do you recall why this was done?

``` $ bundle exec kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1804 -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2) -----> Converging ... Creating kitchen sandbox in /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Preparing dna.json Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 7.0.4... Removing non-cookbook files before transfer Preparing data_bags Preparing validation.pem Preparing client.rb Starting Chef Client, version 14.5.0 Creating a new client identity for default-ubuntu-1804 using the validator key. resolving cookbooks for run list: ["sensu_test::default"] Synchronizing Cookbooks: - packagecloud (1.0.0) - sensu_test (0.0.1) - sensu-go (0.1.0) - seven_zip (3.1.2) - windows (6.0.1) Installing Cookbook Gems: Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 21 resources Recipe: sensu_test::default * sensu_backend[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-backend] action upgrade (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/backend.yml] action create (up to date) * service[sensu-backend] action enable (up to date) * service[sensu-backend] action start (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_agent[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-agent] action upgrade (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/agent.yml] action create (up to date) * service[sensu-agent] action enable (up to date) * service[sensu-agent] action start (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_ctl[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-cli] action install (up to date) (up to date) * sensu_ctl[default] action configure - Reconfiguring sensuctl * execute[configure sensuctl] action run - execute ["/usr/bin/sensuctl", "configure", "--non-interactive", "--username", "admin2", "--password", "password", "--url", ""] * sensu_namespace[test-org] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/namespaces] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_check[cron] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/checks] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/checks/cron.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-http] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-http.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-docker] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-docker.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-plugins-postgres] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-plugins-postgres.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_asset[sensu-slack-handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/assets] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/assets/sensu-slack-handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[slack] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/slack.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[tcp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/tcp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[udp_handler] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/udp_handler.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_handler[notify_the_world] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/handlers] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/handlers/notify_the_world.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[production_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/production_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[development_filter] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/development_filter.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[state_change_only] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/state_change_only.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[filter_interval_60_hourly] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/filter_interval_60_hourly.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_filter[nine_to_fiver] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/filters] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/filters/nine_to_fiver.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_mutator[example-mutator] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/mutators] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/mutators/example-mutator.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_entity[example-entity] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/entitys] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/entitys/example-entity.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * sensu_hook[restart_cron_service] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/hooks] action create (up to date) * file[/etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action create (up to date) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/hooks/restart_cron_service.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) Running handlers: Running handlers complete Chef Client finished, 2/110 resources updated in 10 seconds Finished converging (0m18.61s). -----> Kitchen is finished. (0m19.75s) ```
majormoses commented 4 years ago

I attempted to try again with default credentials and got an error with the change:

``` $ git diff diff --git a/resources/ctl.rb b/resources/ctl.rb index f8103e9..1ef98f8 100644 --- a/resources/ctl.rb +++ b/resources/ctl.rb @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ action :install do end action :configure do - if shell_out('sensuctl user list').error? + if !shell_out('sensuctl user list').error? converge_by 'Reconfiguring sensuctl' do execute 'configure sensuctl' do command sensuctl_configure_cmd diff --git a/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb b/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb index d62c012..a5ed3fb 100644 --- a/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb +++ b/test/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ sensu_agent 'default' sensu_ctl 'default' do action [:install, :configure] debug true + # username 'admin2' + # password 'password' end sensu_namespace 'test-org' do $ bundle exec kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1804 -----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2) -----> Creating ... Creating kitchen sandbox at /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Creating verifier sandbox at /home/babrams/.dokken/verifier_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Building work image.. Creating container c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Finished creating (0m2.10s). -----> Converging ... Creating kitchen sandbox in /home/babrams/.dokken/kitchen_sandbox/c488ee9495-default-ubuntu-1804 Preparing dna.json Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 7.0.4... Removing non-cookbook files before transfer Preparing data_bags Preparing validation.pem Preparing client.rb Starting Chef Client, version 14.5.0 Creating a new client identity for default-ubuntu-1804 using the validator key. resolving cookbooks for run list: ["sensu_test::default"] Synchronizing Cookbooks: - sensu-go (0.1.0) - packagecloud (1.0.0) - seven_zip (3.1.2) - sensu_test (0.0.1) - windows (6.0.1) Installing Cookbook Gems: Compiling Cookbooks... Converging 21 resources Recipe: sensu_test::default * sensu_backend[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create - create new file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list - update content in file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list from none to 0c5ca9 --- /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list 2019-10-26 02:51:42.081593480 +0000 +++ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/.chef-sensu_stable20191026-77-18f6pba.list 2019-10-26 02:51:42.081593480 +0000 @@ -1 +1,3 @@ +deb bionic main +deb-src bionic main - change mode from '' to '0644' * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action run - execute wget --auth-no-challenge -qO - | apt-key add - * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action run - execute apt-get update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0" * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * apt_package[sensu-go-backend] action upgrade - upgrade package sensu-go-backend from uninstalled to 5.14.1-6721 * file[/etc/sensu/backend.yml] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/backend.yml - update content in file /etc/sensu/backend.yml from none to 65e23e --- /etc/sensu/backend.yml 2019-10-26 02:51:47.327403848 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/.chef-backend20191026-77-1yrxtyy.yml 2019-10-26 02:51:47.327403848 +0000 @@ -1 +1,3 @@ +--- +state-dir: "/var/lib/sensu/sensu-backend" * service[sensu-backend] action enable - enable service service[sensu-backend] * service[sensu-backend] action start - start service service[sensu-backend] * sensu_agent[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-agent] action upgrade - upgrade package sensu-go-agent from uninstalled to 5.14.1-6721 * file[/etc/sensu/agent.yml] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/agent.yml - update content in file /etc/sensu/agent.yml from none to 1aa655 --- /etc/sensu/agent.yml 2019-10-26 02:51:53.561525066 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/.chef-agent20191026-77-p9v8fg.yml 2019-10-26 02:51:53.561525066 +0000 @@ -1 +1,6 @@ +--- +name: dokken +namespace: default +backend-url: +- ws:// * service[sensu-agent] action enable - enable service service[sensu-agent] * service[sensu-agent] action start - start service service[sensu-agent] * sensu_ctl[default] action install * packagecloud_repo[sensu/stable] action add * apt_package[wget] action install (up to date) * apt_package[apt-transport-https] action install (up to date) * apt_package[lsb-release] action install (up to date) * ohai[reload-lsb-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * template[/etc/apt/sources.list.d/sensu_stable.list] action create (up to date) * execute[apt-key-add-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[apt-get-update-sensu_stable] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) (up to date) * apt_package[sensu-go-cli] action install - install version 5.14.1-6721 of package sensu-go-cli * sensu_ctl[default] action configure (up to date) * sensu_namespace[test-org] action create * directory[/etc/sensu/namespaces] action create - create new directory /etc/sensu/namespaces * file[/etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action create - create new file /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json - update content in file /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json from none to 70ab98 --- /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json 2019-10-26 02:51:59.540232191 +0000 +++ /etc/sensu/namespaces/.chef-test-org20191026-77-114ma3a.json 2019-10-26 02:51:59.540232191 +0000 @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +{"type":"namespace","spec":{"name":"test-org"}} * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action nothing (skipped due to action :nothing) * execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] action run ================================================================================ Error executing action `run` on resource 'execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json]' ================================================================================ Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed ------------------------------------ Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' ---- Begin output of sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json ---- STDOUT: STDERR: Error: No API URL is defined. You can configure an API URL by running "sensuctl configure" ---- End output of sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json ---- Ran sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json returned 1 Resource Declaration: --------------------- # In /opt/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/sensu-go/resources/namespace.rb 45: execute "sensuctl create -f #{object_file}" do 46: action :nothing 47: end 48: end Compiled Resource: ------------------ # Declared in /opt/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/sensu-go/resources/namespace.rb:45:in `block in class_from_file' execute("sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json") do action [:nothing] default_guard_interpreter :execute command "sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json" backup 5 declared_type :execute cookbook_name "sensu_test" domain nil user nil end System Info: ------------ chef_version=14.5.0 platform=ubuntu platform_version=18.04 ruby=ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux] program_name=/opt/chef/embedded/bin/chef-client executable=/opt/chef/embedded/bin/chef-client ================================================================================ Error executing action `create` on resource 'sensu_namespace[test-org]' ================================================================================ Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed ------------------------------------ execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] (/opt/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/sensu-go/resources/namespace.rb line 45) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' ---- Begin output of sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json ---- STDOUT: STDERR: Error: No API URL is defined. You can configure an API URL by running "sensuctl configure" ---- End output of sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json ---- Ran sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json returned 1 Resource Declaration: --------------------- # In /opt/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb 12: sensu_namespace 'test-org' do 13: action :create 14: end 15: Compiled Resource: ------------------ # Declared in /opt/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/sensu_test/recipes/default.rb:12:in `from_file' sensu_namespace("test-org") do action [:create] updated true updated_by_last_action true default_guard_interpreter :default declared_type :sensu_namespace cookbook_name "sensu_test" recipe_name "default" end System Info: ------------ chef_version=14.5.0 platform=ubuntu platform_version=18.04 ruby=ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [x86_64-linux] program_name=/opt/chef/embedded/bin/chef-client executable=/opt/chef/embedded/bin/chef-client Running handlers: [2019-10-26T02:51:59+00:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers Running handlers complete [2019-10-26T02:51:59+00:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete Chef Client failed. 18 resources updated in 21 seconds [2019-10-26T02:51:59+00:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /opt/kitchen/cache/chef-stacktrace.out [2019-10-26T02:51:59+00:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report [2019-10-26T02:51:59+00:00] FATAL: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: sensu_namespace[test-org] (sensu_test::default line 12) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: execute[sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json] (/opt/kitchen/cache/cookbooks/sensu-go/resources/namespace.rb line 45) had an error: Mixlib::ShellOut::ShellCommandFailed: Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1' ---- Begin output of sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json ---- STDOUT: STDERR: Error: No API URL is defined. You can configure an API URL by running "sensuctl configure" ---- End output of sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json ---- Ran sensuctl create -f /etc/sensu/namespaces/test-org.json returned 1 >>>>>> ------Exception------- >>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed >>>>>> Message: 1 actions failed. >>>>>> Converge failed on instance . Please see .kitchen/logs/default-ubuntu-1804.log for more details >>>>>> ---------------------- >>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details >>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration ```

This leads me to believe this guard was likely put in to try and put a guard around some order dependency operations but that masked a problem rather than doing what it was intended.

webframp commented 4 years ago

I can do a little investigation for this one

webframp commented 4 years ago

The actual issue being obscured here is that we really only safely support initial configuration using the sensu_ctl resource and probably don't safely support reconfiguring any options.

This gets into some of the same issues as #43 when it comes to how to safely handle not leaking the username/password if they are under management by a chef resource.

I can start a change that at least allows reconfiguring the backend url and we can have some discussion around that with ideas.

majormoses commented 4 years ago

I was wondering how much of an issue this is now that sensu no longer ships with a default password. We should probably for the moment at least call this out as a known limitation in the cookbook in that it will not support reconfiguring until we get this worked out. Thoughts?

webframp commented 3 years ago

I'm unable to reproduce this with latest versions of sensu.

After running kitchen converge default-ubuntu-1804 twice on master I have these files created:

root@dokken:~# ll .config/sensu/sensuctl/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 25 23:30 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Oct 25 23:30 ../
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  863 Oct 25 23:30 cluster
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   51 Oct 25 23:30 profile

Closing now as part of issue cleanup, but please re-open with any additional information as needed and I can investigate!

ideaship commented 3 years ago

I seem to remember that with a vagrant kitchen, the files ended up in /home/vagrant/.config instead of /root/.config, presumably because the sudo call leaves enough of the vagrant user's environment intact for sensuctl to pick the wrong path. You would only see that when using kitchen with vagrant.