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File Grabbing #14

Closed Zlecktov closed 8 years ago

Zlecktov commented 8 years ago

Had a bit of trouble with the way it grabs files on the Web Hosting Service I used so I modified it to that and it works now.

Zlecktov commented 8 years ago

It automatically gets the root of the document.

sentanos commented 8 years ago

The roblox-bots-master folder is supposed to be in the document root, the example instructions do not instruct you to extract subfolders to the root. In your change it looks like they would be included as if they were, which would not be the intended functionality.

There are also some more incompatibilities because $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] won't work when, for example, the PHP file is called from the command line. Although it seems like a misunderstanding of the setup, a similar change won't be made even if it does fix problems on certain hosts because it would make it even more incompatible in other cases and it is not a problem I have heard of anywhere else.