sentanos / roblox-js

!!!THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED!!! Execute ROBLOX website actions in node.js
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Login API is not working #18

Closed sentanos closed 7 years ago

sentanos commented 7 years ago

This is ROBLOX's problem once again. They better fix it soon because I would not be thrilled to change the APIs for a second time.

sentanos commented 7 years ago

Until ROBLOX fixes their API this alternate login can be used: Replace the login.js file in roblox-js/lib/util with that and users can be logged in. Note that it will not show errors correctly or return the userId and should only be used temporarily until ROBLOX fixes their existing API.

Conmmander commented 7 years ago

Hey, just wanted to say, I tried updating my code with this, and it did not fix it.

sentanos commented 7 years ago

It works for me and others, make sure the fix was actually applied (make sure the server isn't reinstalling dependencies or not using the new one).

Conmmander commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure how I make sure that the server is not reinstalling dependencies, but I am positive I updated the code. I'll look into this, however and see what's going on.

The-Tarkol commented 7 years ago

I replaced the file like you said, and this time I get a different error. Did I mess something up? The error says "Cannot GET /" when I try to navigate to the app. In game it just says 404 not found.

sentanos commented 7 years ago

"Cannot GET" is normal for a working app. I'm not sure why you are getting a 404 when using it, though, are you sure you pushed the updates correctly?

The-Tarkol commented 7 years ago

I believe so. Let me try again and I'll let you know.

The-Tarkol commented 7 years ago

It works now. For some reason I had a / at the end of the url in the script, removing it fixed it. Thank you!

Conmmander commented 7 years ago

Nope, I tried reinstalling it, and whatnot. but still nothing changed.

sentanos commented 7 years ago

I am pushing updates now, if you are using v3 you can upgrade to the latest version 3.0.2 with npm install roblox-js. If you are still using v2 you can install a patch with npm install roblox-js@2.3.4. If you are using roblox-js-server please follow the instructions for updating dependencies.