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Create an article about `TLS/SSL` #286

Open sentenz opened 12 months ago

sentenz commented 12 months ago


TLS (Transport Layer Security) and its predecessor SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) are cryptographic protocols that provide secure communication over a computer network. TLS and SSL operate by establishing a secure connection between a client and a server, ensuring that the data exchanged between them is encrypted and integrity-protected.

1. Category

1.1. Cipher Suites





1.2. TLS 1.2

title: TLS Communication 

  participant Client
  participant Server

  Note over Client,Server: TCP Handshake
  Client->>Server: SYN
  Server->>Client: SYN/ACK
  Client->>Server: ACK

  Note over Client,Server: Asymmetric Communication
  Client->>Server: ClientHello (TLS v1.2, Client Random, CipherSuites)
  Server->>Client: ServerHello (TLS v1.2, Server Random, CipherSuites)
  Server->>Client: ServerCertificate
  Server->>Server: Generate Keypair
  Server->>Server: Signature
  Server-->>Client: ServerKeyExchange
  Server-->>Client: CertificateRequest
  Server->>Client: ServerHelloDone
  Client-->>Server: ClientCertificate
  Client->>Client: Generate Keypair
  Client->>Client: Generate Premaster Secret
  Client->>Server: ClientKeyExchange (Premaster Secret)
  Client-->>Server: CertificateVerify
  Client->>Client: Generate Master Secret
  Server->>Server: Generate Master Secret
  Client->>Server: ChangeCipherSpec
  Client->>Server: Finished
  Server->>Client: ChangeCipherSpec
  Server->>Client: Finished

  Note over Client,Server: Symmetric Communication
  loop Secure Data Exchange
    Client->>Server: Encrypted Application Data (Symmetric Key)
    Client->>Server: CloseNotify
    Server->>Server: Decrypt Process Data
    Server->>Client: Encrypted Application Data (Symmetric Key)
    Server->>Client: CloseNotify
    Client->>Client: Decrypt Process Data

  Note over Client,Server: TCP Termination
  Client->>Server: FIN
  Server->>Client: FIN/ACK
  Client->>Server: ACK

2. References