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Create an article about `Changelog` #288

Open sentenz opened 10 months ago

sentenz commented 10 months ago


A changelog is a record of changes made to a project, including new features, bug fixes, improvements, and other modifications. It provides a chronological list of changes made to the project, facilitating effective communication about the evolution of the software over different versions.

1. Category

1.1. Keep a Changelog

Keep a Changelog is a convention for documenting changes in software development. It provides a structured approach to creating and maintaining changelogs, facilitating effective communication about the evolution of the software over different versions.

By adhering to the conventions, developers contribute to creating a well-organized, comprehensible, and consistently formatted changelog, facilitating effective communication about the evolution of the software over different versions.

  1. Files and Folder


      A changelog file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project.

      # Changelog
      ## [1.1.0] - 2019-02-15
      ### Added
      - create Danish translation (#297)
      - create Georgian translation (#337)
      ## [1.0.1] - 2018-01-11
      ### Fixed
      - change Italian translation (#332)
      - change Indonesian translation (#336)
      ## [1.0.0] - 2017-06-20
      ### Added
      - create Italian translation (#253)
      - create Indonesian translation (#321)
  2. Conventions and Standards

    • Version Header

      Each version entry starts with a header containing the version number and release date. The version header in a changelog typically follows the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) format.

      The header clearly indicates the version number and release date. It serves as a marker for the beginning of a new section in the changelog, detailing the changes introduced in that particular release.

      ## [Version Number] - Release Date
    • Readable Date Format

      Using a readable date format in the version header enhances the clarity of the changelog. The date format represents a specific date in the ISO standard YYYY-MM-DD. ISO 8601 is an international standard for representing date and time in a machine-readable format. The date represents and provides a clear reference point for when a particular version was released.

      ## [1.1.0] - 2019-02-15
    • Type Labels

      Type labels categorize changes in a changelog, providing a clear indication of the nature of each modification. Each type label is followed by specific entries describing the corresponding changes made in that category. This categorization helps users and developers quickly understand the purpose of each modification in the software.

      Types of Labels:

      • Added

        Introducing new features or functionalities.

      ### Added
      - introduce new authentication module
      • Changed

        Modifications or updates to existing features.

      ### Changed
      - update UI color scheme
      • Deprecated

        Signifying features that are marked for removal in future releases.

      ### Deprecated
      - MarkingFunction() will be removed in v2.0.0
      • Removed

        Elimination of existing features or components.

      ### Removed
      - remove deprecated API endpoint
      - version bump of the API endpoint from `v1` to `v2`
      • Fixed

        Resolving bugs or issues.

      ### Fixed
      - resolve bug causing app crash on startup
      • Security

        Addressing security-related changes or patches.

      ### Security
      - patch critical security vulnerability
    • Links to Issues

      Links to relevant issues, pull requests, or commit hashes associated with each change for detailed context. This provides additional context and allows users or developers to access more detailed information if needed. By adding links, users and developers can access detailed information related to specific changes, enhancing the transparency and traceability of the development process.

      ### Fixed
      - resolve null pointer exception, issue [#123](, merge [#456](
    • Consistent Formatting

      Consistent formatting in a changelog ensures a uniform structure for each entry. Typically starting with the type label, followed by a colon and a space, and then the description of the change. This uniformity enhances readability. Maintaining a consistent format involves using the same structure for each type label entry, which contributes to the readability and clarity of the changelog.

      ### Added
      - new feature description
      ### Changed
      - updated component XYZ to use asynchronous calls
  3. Tools and Frameworks

    The generation and management of changelogs using these tools and frameworks streamlines the process of maintaining accurate and consistent changelogs in software development.

2. References