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Modify article about `Data Management` #303

Open sentenz opened 8 months ago

sentenz commented 8 months ago

Data Management

Data Management is the process of ingesting, storing, organizing, and maintaining the data created and collected by an organization. It is a broad discipline that encompasses many different aspects of data, including data governance, data quality, data security, and data privacy.

1. Category

1.1. Structure Types

├── /00_Governance
│   ├── /00_Contracts
│   ├── /01_Policies
│   ├── /02_Standards
│   ├── /03_Compliance
│   └── /04_Procedures
├── /01_Management
│   ├── /00_Schedule
│   ├── /01_Finance
│   └── /02_Patent
├── /02_Requirement
│   ├── /00_Software
│   ├── /01_Hardware
│   └── /02_System
├── /03_Architecture
│   ├── /00_Models
│   └── /01_Integration
├── /04_Development
│   ├── /00_Assets
│   ├── /01_Research
│   ├── /02_Design
│   └── /03_Implementation
├── /05_Communication
│   ├── /00_Emails
│   ├── /01_Discussions
│   ├── /02_Announcements
│   └── /03_Presentations
├── /06_Documentation
│   ├── /00_Audits
│   ├── /01_Reports
│   ├── /02_Meetings
│   └── /03_Orders
└── /99_Shared
    ├── /00_Templates
    └── /01_Guides

1.2. Directory Types

  1. /Governance

    Governance contains the rules and regulations that govern the data management process. acquisitions.

    • Contracts

      Repository for contracts and agreements related to services, partnerships, and vendor relationships, including terms and conditions, service level agreements, and non-disclosure agreements (NDA).

    • /Policies

      Repository for official policies governing practices within the organization, outlining rules, responsibilities, and procedures for data handling.

    • /Standards

      Storage for standardized guidelines and specifications governing processes, ensuring consistency and quality across the organization.

    • /Compliance

      Area for storing documents related to regulatory and legal compliance requirements pertaining, ensuring adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

    • /Procedures

      Repository for detailed instructions, outlining step-by-step processes, facilitating consistent execution of tasks.

  2. /Management

    The Management directory encompasses management-related aspects of the project, including scheduling, financial management, and intellectual property management (patents).

    • /Schedule

      Contains files related to the project’s timeline, deadlines, milestones, and scheduling of resources.

    • Finance

      Holds financial documents, including budgets, expense reports, invoices, and financial planning.

    • /Patent

      Stores information on patents, including applications, granted patents, and related legal documents.

  3. /Requirement

    Requirement management is the process of capturing, analyzing, and managing the requirements of a project.

    • /Software

      Software requirements are the functional and non-functional requirements of a software system, including specifications and dependencies.

      Functional Requirements: Functional requirements describe the specific behaviors, features, and functionalities that a system or software application must have to meet the stakeholders. Functional requirements include user authentication, data validation, report generation, and transaction processing.

      Non-Functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements referred to quality attributes or constraints, define the overall qualities or characteristics that a system or software must possess beyond its specific functionalities. Non-functional requirements include response time, system availability, data integrity, user interface aesthetics, and adherence to industry standards or legal regulations.

    • /Hardware

      Hardware requirements are the functional and non-functional requirements, including servers, storage devices, and networking equipment.

      Functional Requirements: Functional requirements describe the specific tasks, operations, or functions that the component must perform to support the overall system's functionality. Functional requirements include processing speed, storage capacity, input/output interfaces, compatibility with software or peripherals, and support for specific protocols or standards.

      Non-Functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements define the qualities, characteristics, and constraints that the component must possess to ensure its effectiveness, reliability, and performance. Non-functional requirements focus on aspects such as performance, reliability, scalability, maintainability, power consumption, thermal management, physical durability, mean time between failures (MTBF), mean time to repair (MTTR), and compliance with environmental standards or regulations.

    • /System

      Area for storing documentation detailing system requirements for platforms and applications, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance.

  4. /Architecture

    Architecture is the process of designing and implementing the structure relevant to infrastructure and applications.

    • /Models

      Repository for architectural models and diagrams depicting the structure and components, facilitating understanding and planning.

    • /Integration

      Integration is the process of combining the components of a system, ensuring seamless operation and data flow.

  5. /Development

    Directory for the management of technical documents and documentation of daily project activities related to the development of solutions.

    • /Assets

      Repository for documentation related to assets used in development, including code libraries, datasets, and other resources. Assets are the resources used to create a system.

    • /Research

      Research is the process of understanding the requirements of a system.

    • /Design

      Design is the process of creating the structure of a system. Area for documentation outlining the design specifications and architecture of the solutions, including database schemas and interface designs.

    • /Implementation

      Implementation is the process of building a system. Repository for documentation related to the implementation of the solutions, including deployment plans, configuration settings, and installation instructions.

  6. /Communication

    Communication is the process of exchanging information between people.

    • /Emails

      Storage for email communications related to activities, including discussions, notifications, and updates.

    • /Discussions

      Area for hosting discussions and conversations related to topics, facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.

    • /Announcements

      Repository for announcements and updates related to initiatives, projects, and milestones, keeping stakeholders informed and engaged.

    • /Presentations

      Storage for presentations and slideshows related to topics, used for training, education, and communication purposes.

  7. /Documentation

    Documentation is the process of creating and maintaining records of an organization's activities.

    • /Meetings

      Area for documentation related to meetings and discussions concerning topics, including agendas, minutes, and action items.

    • /Reports

      Storage for reports and documentation summarizing activities, performance metrics, and outcomes, providing insights for decision-making and planning.

    • /Audits

      Repository for documentation related to audits and assessments of processes and practices, ensuring compliance and identifying areas for improvement.

    • Orders

      Storage for purchase orders and procurement documentation related to tools, software licenses, infrastructure resources, and hardware

  8. /Shared

    Shared is the process of creating and maintaining templates and guidelines for an organization's activities.

    • /Templates

      Reusable documents for an organization's activities, such as data dictionaries, data flow diagrams, and project plans.

    • /Guides

      Storage for guidelines and best practices relevant to activities, providing recommendations and instructions for carrying out tasks effectively.

1.3. File Types

File extensions descriptions provide a quick reference to understand the common file types and their typical usecase.

1.4. Rules

  1. File Naming Convention

    Ensures that documents are identifiable and sortable, streamlining project management and collaboration.

    • YYYY0M0D

      represents the date when the document was created or last modified. Format date according to the ISO 8601 standard.

      Example: 20240901, 20241101, 20241121

    • type

      Refers to the document abbreviation or a unique identifier.

      Example: 001, 002, 003

    • scope

      Refers to the scope of the document.

      Example: internal, external

    • author

      Refers to the name, department, category of the document author.

      Example: author

    • title

      Refers to the title of the project separated by hyphen (-).

      Example: iphone-13

    • version

      Refers to the version of the document.

      Example: v01, v02, v03

    • extension

      The file extension that indicates the format of the document.

      Example: docx, pdf, txt

2. References