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Create an article about `Team Topologie` #351

Open sentenz opened 1 month ago

sentenz commented 1 month ago

Team Topologies

Team Topologies is a structured approach to organizing software teams for optimal flow and efficiency, especially in complex technological environments. The framework is based on four fundamental team types and three core interaction modes, designed to enable organizations to achieve faster value delivery while managing team cognitive load effectively.

1. Category

The approach emphasizes a dynamic, adaptive organizational model where team structures and interactions evolve as needed, avoiding rigid or static organizational charts. It also integrates concepts like Conway’s Law, ensuring that team designs align with the architecture needed to deliver business value efficiently.

1.1. Four Team Types

  1. Components and Features

    • Stream-Aligned Teams

      These teams focus on a specific flow of work, such as a product or service, ensuring they manage all aspects from development to operations.

    • Enabling Teams

      Comprised of experts in specific areas, these teams support stream-aligned teams by helping them develop missing capabilities, such as in automation or architectural design.

    • Complicated Subsystem Teams

      These handle highly specialized systems requiring deep expertise that is not feasible for stream-aligned teams to manage.

    • Platform Teams

      These provide internal products or services that enhance the developer experience and support stream-aligned teams in their work.

1.2. Three Interaction Modes

  1. Components and Features

    • Collaboration

      Temporary joint efforts between teams to explore or innovate.

    • X-as-a-Service

      One team provides a service that another team consumes.

    • Facilitation

      One team assists another by sharing expertise or offering guidance.

2. References