sentient / statsdbeat

A beat to get statsd udp messages into Elastic Search
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Question: Is TCP or UDP used to write stats in pipelines ? #5

Closed gr790 closed 4 years ago

gr790 commented 4 years ago


I need above clarification. statsd uses UDP to send packets to statsdbeat, but what statsdbeat uses to send packets to logstash pipelines ? What changes are required to support TCP if not already implemented. What happens to stats which couldn't write into pipeline because of network Issues ? I guess you don't accumulate and retry.

Thanks, Rahul.

sentient commented 4 years ago

It indeed uses UDP to receive the messages.

The messages are send from statsdbeat to elasticseach via TCP

In the /etc/statsdbeat/statsdbeat.yml file you configure the output


hosts: 'http://localhost:9200'

and obviously not localhost. So the same what you do for your metricbeat or filebeat

For retry logic you can configure a queue.spool. See

Statsdbeat uses the same beat framework. So these internals are all available to you